chapter nine: office hours

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HAPPY ILLICIT AFFAIRS DAY!!! It is yet again Friday and we are yet again celebrating!!! In just one week you guys got IA from 4k to 5k!!! That is absolutely AMAZING!!! I won't get sappy and write a whole long 'thank you' again but just know I appreciate and love you guys SO MUCH!!

I won't keep you waiting any longer! Enjoy some content about our favorite professor ;)


It wasn't like you to be so impatient. You knew that when the time came, you could wait for whatever you were looking forward to. Waiting to graduate college and move to Europe? It was something you've been wanting to do for years yet you had no issue waiting for that. You took pride in that, knowing it was one of your strong suits.

Of course, Charlie had to ruin that for you.

It seemed like every time you neared him, your defenses were low. You weren't able to control yourself, eager and desperate for his touch... You had to get your shit together.

When the new week started, you grew anxious. You were begging that he would reward you with something, anythingto show you that he was just as desperate as you were. Longing for his touch and unable to focus with just the thought of his hands on you.

You knew you were in trouble, especially if you had to wait for his much anticipated dinner this weekend.

Every chance you got, you did whatever you could to try and fulfill your needs. When you gave him a lingering touch against his arm or even a corrupt glare during his lecture, nothing seemed to break him.

To be fair, he was clueless for the first couple of days. It wasn't until he started noticing that you were just a tangled mess of moans every time his body neared yours. Once he finally figured it out, he edged and teased you, his devilish smirk always greeting you on those lips you craved for.

It got worse when it was just you two all alone in the library. He would shove his lips against yours, tangling his fingers in your hair as he shoved his hard erection against you. That was until it was always inconveniently time to go.

You couldn't decide if you were more annoyed by his playful tricks or the fact that you stupidly made the decision not to act on any urges you felt all alone in your bed...

"Why the long face?" Charlie's tone was sinister as he followed behind you and your nightly routine of tidying up the library. You ignored his question, putting up an Economics textbook when you felt his figure standing behind you.

The noises behind you were obvious as he set the rest of the books down. You were quick to feel his hands snake around your full hips, feeding his low hum into your ear. He was slow as he guided your back against his chest, whispering your name into your ear.

Chills traveled throughout your body, licking your lips as you stared ahead at the books in front of you. There were many shapes, sizes, and fonts typed across the spines as your vision grew blurry. He swayed your hips side to side, humming your name again.

"I can feel you pouting," His lips grazed against your skin as he muttered your name again. This caused you to flutter your eyes shut, mesmerized by how angelic it sounded in his tone.

You kept your mouth shut as his hands traveled all around your body, his nose dipping into your hair now. Paying specific attention to his hands, he outlined your curves until they led all the way to your chest. His fingers gently held onto your tits, a soft whimper escaping your lips.

A low chuckle echoed against your skin, once again proving that he knew the power he held over you. You could feel your nipples pebbling underneath your bra, begging for any sort of attention from him. He didn't disappoint, though, swirling and lightly pinching them through the material of your shirt.

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