chapter twenty two: exit ghost theater

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HAPPY IA DAY!!! I know we're already taken aback with Adam content again but you know I had to overstimulate you guys ;)

Anyways, mama dal is tired and I just finished editing this, so please be kind if you see any mistakes...

I love you guys so much, -dal


It wasn't like you to be nervous like this. First impressions were something you never cared about. Things like that didn't bother you.

Considering that Charlie's first impression of you started sour but ended sweet, it was something you always thought just worked out in your favor. Back then, of course, you didn't have a lot to lose.

This, however, was different. Now that you were meeting Charlie's theater company, you had something to lose now...

Normally, you wouldn't care this much but it was Charlie. These were the people he's worked with for years. They knew him through thick and thin and most importantly, they were his friends.

Was it possible that you would never step foot into New York again after this and never see these people again? Yes. But was it also possible that you cared what Charlie's friends thought of you? Also yes.

What if they didn't like you? What if they didn't know you were joining him? Oh God, did they know you were his student?

No. You have to shake those thoughts out of your head. You had to calm down before you started to spiral, and that was the last thing you needed right now.

It was almost time to go, taking a deep breath before looking at yourself in the mirror. Charlie was lying back in bed, reading an article on his phone. It didn't take him nearly as much time for him to get dressed, settling on a gray sweater.

You took the longer route, deciding to jump in the shower.

Feeling hot water for what seemed like the first time in months, you took advantage of it. Letting the steam cleanse your pores, the water reddened your skin while Charlie called downstairs to the concierge.

While you were lost in the shower, he got a few winter clothes sent up for you. With coats, gloves, scarves, and hats, Charlie proved to you that this hotel was fancier than you thought.

After your shower, you were greeted with your new winter clothes. Deciding on a pair of leather boots, zipping over your jeans, you picked out a beige plaid coat to go with it. With the help of Charlie, a beanie was picked out.

'You're going to get sick if you don't dress warm, sweetheart.'

You didn't argue with him, finishing your tasks of getting ready.

While your hair and makeup were coming to an end, you took one last look at yourself in the mirror.

Chewing on your lip, a million questions ran through your head.

Did your outfit match? Were you wearing too much makeup? What about your hair? Could they tell you weren't from here? Were you the type of girl they imagined Charlie being with? Were you good enough to be with Charlie?

Huffing a breath out with defeat, you licked your lips before walking into the bedroom. With your footsteps, Charlie lifted his head from his phone. You watched those green-rimmed eyes do a once over at your outfit before he shoved his phone in his pocket.

"Ah, see?-" He sat up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. "Now you look warm." He winked up at you as you stood in front of him. It wasn't long until his hands snaked under your coat, wrapping them around your hips.

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