chapter fourteen: right and wrong

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It is, once again, Friday. BUT it's like any other Friday... It's a DOUBLE IA DAY!!! You guys are freaking amazing and got IA to not only 10k (which was our goal) but it's now at 11k!!?! Holy shit, I really do have the best readers!! 

I do have other things in the works for you guys but since I have a peanut brain, you guys have to bear with me!! 

I also announced that I will not be going live on tik tok. But don't worry, we will find other ways to celebrate!!


We left off with our reading ready to sacrifice Charlie... Will we, won't we?? I guess you guys will have to find out!! 

love, dal 


The weekend was normally hectic for you. The plastered UCLA students at your job always annoyed you. They always overworked you and made your job so much harder, but boy they knew how to tip. With their clouded judgment, this made the hectic weekend a goldmine for you. With the drinks that seemed to never stop, their money made it easy to save up for your trip to Europe.

Unfortunately, you skipped out on that gold rush this weekend.

After Charlie dozed off last night, your mind ping-ponged on what to do. Instead of studying for your classes, you were wondering if Charlie was another thing to add to your list of sacrifices.

You actually didn't mind spending your free time at your place with a good book. Making friends and spending all night partying was something that didn't interest you. It sounded exhausting, knowing that those things weren't going to get in the way of your goals.

But then came Charlie.

No matter how much you tried to stay away, your mind would always find a way to associate something with him.

When you were hungry and searched for something to eat, you always thought back to that pizza he ordered for you two. While rereading one of your books from home, you wondered what Charlie w0uld think about it. While you made drinks at work, you remembered the Manhattan you made for him. Even folding your laundry reminded you of the kiss he planted on your lips that day in the laundromat.

Unfortunately, he wasn't going to be easy to give up.

While you sat in his bed, pondering your decision, Charlie snoozed quietly beside you. You could see him inching closer towards you, wanting to curl up right next to you. Watching his slow respirations, you couldn't help how badly you wanted him.

Those late nights you spent alone sounded a whole lot better with him. Everything you wanted to do, you wanted him beside you and that scared the ever-living shit out of you.

With your newly discovered fear, the only thing you could do was run away when things got slightly uncomfortable. You were trying to keep afloat, gasping for air as you planned your getaway.

So with that, you tip-toed around his place, gathering your things. You held your breath as you slipped back into your dress, shoving your books back into your backpack. You decided that you were going to leave and never make this decision again. You were going to untie yourself from Charlie and get yourself back on track.

But as you were leaving, you made the mistake of looking back at him.

Taking one last look ruined your chances of cleansing yourself from him. Instead, it only made you sink deeper. There were hands grabbing you by the ankles, pulling you farther underneath the water. Drowning until you couldn't hold your breath any longer.

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