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I had been awake for a long time and looked next to me. I watched him, he was so calm. His heartbeat was steady and kinda calmed me a bit. I looked at the features of his face and gently stroked his upper body. I noticed his eyelids twitch a little and he looked at me a little later.

"Morning...", he said in a raspy voice.

"Morning.", I replied and swung my legs out of his bed.

I went to my bag to take a look at my phone. I forgot to reach out to my sister.

No messages from her. Perfect.

"I should go now.", I announced and walked out by his bedroom door.

"Don't you want some breakfast?", asked Charles, who had hastily jumped up and run after me.

"Not really. I should work out or go for a run.", I said and kept walking.

"Davina. What was that yesterday?", he asked, sighing.

"Charles. It was a night of fun, nothing more, nothing less.", I said, and smiled wickedly.

Of course he was so sentimental and now wanted to know what this was all about. But it was nothing in the end. It was just a night with a friend. But it was Charles, so what else did I expect?

I turned around and unlocked his front door, where I was immediately met by fresh, icy air.

It was autumn. I guess I liked autumn, but I liked all seasons. I didn't have a favourite season, in my opinion, no human being should have the right to hate or prefer a season. It was not in our power and we should finally learn not to prefer anything, after all we are just some humans. A human being is just a little grain of sand, so fragile and pathetic with the constant attempts to explain everything.

When I perceived a warmth close behind me, I turned and looked up at him. His brown eyes looked at me faithfully, like a dog's, and I had to smile a little. I could have sworn we had a special moment together if my mobile phone hadn't suddenly rung.
I tore myself away from his captivating gaze and picked it up.

"Mum?" I asked.

"Davina, pack your things..", she said excitedly into the phone.

"Why should I pack my things?", I asked, amused and worried at the same time. "Is something wrong with Mara?"

"No, but your father said that our family should get together again. He wants you to take Mara with you, now that she's obviously been exposed. A hotel is available for you.", she explained.

"Okay, I'll tell Mara.", I nodded.

"Good, I'll see you tomorrow, I'll send you the rest of the data you need for the Sweet at the hotel.", she said and then hung up.

I put my phone away, stood on my tiptoes and gave Charles a kiss on the cheek before turning to leave.

"You're not seriously going outside now. It's cold and you're wearing underwear and my sweater..", Charles said, confused.

"Cry me a river.", I laughed.

I swung myself onto the motorbike that was parked near me and jingled the keys I had stolen from Charles. I grinned and rode off after putting on my helmet.

The headwind was icy and the road was already strewn with gravel.
I had to do a million things but in this very moment I felt free. And even if a bullet would come and hit me so I would no longer live on this planet, I would not change a thing because I swear I lived.

Amber EyesWhere stories live. Discover now