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Mara's P.o.V

I lay next to Ally in her bed and stroked her while I read her my favourite book. She had loved being read to since she was a little girl. I paused and sighed.

"What is it?", she asked, looking at me.

"I don't want to lose you...", I sobbed.

"Mara... you won't lose me. I will always be there, I promise. I will take care of all of you. I'll always be there when you think of me... don't stop talking to me just because you can't see me...", she said and snuggled up to me.

I looked to the door, which was slowly opening.

"Hey, Alls-Bells...", Jabcob breathed. "Mara, give us a minute..."

I looked at my little sister, who just nodded encouragingly, and stood up. I let the door fall into the lock behind me.

Jacob's P.o.V.
I sat down on the edge of her bed and looked silently at my clasped hands.

"Jacob...", she began. "Jacy-Breaky...", she quipped. "Are you okay?"

"You die and ask others if they're okay...?", I said and lay down next to her.

"I won't be gone though.... I will stay with you... you just can't see me anymore.... you just have to believe in me...", she said, stroking my curly hair.

"I just thought you should know that I've had a crush on you for far too long...", I sighed.

Surprised, she looked at me.

"I wasn't expecting that."

"You don't have to say anything about it, but I would never forgive myself, if I hadn't told you...", I sighed.

Allison's P.o.V.
I snuggled up to him, enjoying his warmth and his big hands caressing my back.
Slowly I leaned towards him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He turned his head towards me and our lips touched. They only touched each other. Our eyes met and he swung slightly over me. Gently he placed a kiss on my forehead and on my lips.

"Can you please bring me a fountain pen and some stationery?", I asked softly, caressing his cheeks.

He nodded slowly and swung himself out of bed to walk out of the room.

I sat up and considered for a moment.

"Allison.", someone spoke.

"What can I do for you grandpa?", I smirked.

"We're going on a field trip. Now until tomorrow night. The things you need are already packed.", he said monotonously.

"Okay. Fresh air won't hurt me.", I said nodding.

"Ally... here you go...", said Jacob, who had pushed past River through the crack in the door.

He handed me the pen and the paper with the envelopes. I nodded my thanks to him.

"Can someone help me up?", I asked.

Immediately I was given a piggyback ride by Jacob. He reached back with his hands as I sat on his back and held my thighs so I couldn't fall off. Carefully he walked down the stairs where I said goodbye to my family. Jacob gently lowered me into the passenger seat and gave me a kiss on the forehead before closing the car door.

River got in beside me, sighing, and stepped firmly on the gas. I giggled and held on a little. A small smile crept onto his lips and we drove quickly through the city and then onto the motorway. He pushed the accelerator all the way in and we got faster and faster.

I laughed briefly as the other wannabe-racers lagged behind, getting smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror.

"How are you feeling?", he finally asked.

"The pain is bearable.... Not as bad as it was without medication...", I admitted honestly.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking that God is taking me to Him- or Herself.... I'm also thinking that I'm going to meet your Ally and Lucy.... it will be nice to meet them. They look so nice in the photos. What was she like?", I said sighing.

"Who do you mean?", he asked sceptically.

"Both of them, of course. Just because she's not my grandma doesn't make Allison any less important... Besides, I must know who I was named after...", I smiled.

He nodded briefly and seemed to consider.

"Allison... She was a helpless lamb...", he paused. "Allison was very insecure in what she said and did. She was very loving and forgiving no matter what shit I put on.... No matter how drunk and stoned I came home, no matter how many people I had on my conscience. She tought me that I was able to love. Bottom line, she had to atone for my sins with her diagnosis...", he sighed in thought.

"I don't think it's God's job to punish anyone.... God brought her to Him- or Herself because he or she wanted to redeem her from the pain... or because she was destined for something greater..."

He looked at me for a moment, nodded and looked ahead again.

"Lucy...", he started. "We were nothing alike. In fact we hated each other but we lobed each other more. Despite the hellish fear she had of me, she stood up to me. At some point the relationship with Colin was over... we were good for each other all of a sudden. She looked after me and she got pregnant with your mother and her dead Twin...", he paused. "Because I didn't want kids, we gave Camille to Kai and Ryan. I was such a fucking asshole, I should have supported her," he said with tears in his eyes. "We were going to get married... at the wedding Colin turned up and even though her first love was back, and don't get me wrong.... Colin would have been the better choice, but she chose me. After all the pain I put her in.. after all the fights we had... she chose to be with me..", he wiped away a tear. "I fuckin miss her.."

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