
530 21 3

Pov:travis phelphs

The next day I woke up and  saw I forgot to set my alarm and was about to be late.. I quickly got out of bed and got dressed

After grabbing my bag and running down stairs I went to grab the handle of the door
"Don't run down my stairs , boy-"
I looked behind me and saw my father looking down at me
"Sorry father I'm gonna be late"
He sighed
"Don't be late for curfew like last night"
I flinched at the mention of what he did last night.. I lost track of time at sals and let's just say my father wasn't happy..

I opened the door and ran down the sidewalk towards the school.. I walked in and went to my locker.. the halls were empty and everyone was in class. I made it to school right before the second bell rang for first period.  I grabbed my stuff and went to my English class..

After a few minutes of listening to the teacher I felt a ball of paper hit the back of my head.. I looked behind me and picked it up

(Hey sorry about larry yesterday.. BTW is your eye ok? Looks darker than usual - sallyface)

Since when did he pay attention to how I'm doing.. my stomach had that feeling again when j thought about sal ..do I like him?.. no it's wrong I can't father says it's a sin for a man to love another man. I grabbed a pencil from my desk and wrote on the other side of the crinkled paper..

(It's ok , and don't worry about me freak  - travis)

I threw it at sal and looked back at the teacher.. I hated math class it's so boring and I'm pretty sure I'm failing- why does that freak have to be better than me.. I hate him so much but also think he's kinda nice looking.. no that's wrong I can't believe I feel this way.. but it's nice have someone care about me..

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