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I shut my phone off and grabbed a sweater since it was mid fall and quite cold out, I grabbed my back pack from the end of my bed and left my room .

I quietly left my room and went down stairs threw the elevator. Once I got downstairs I saw larry and ash talking
"Hey guys what's up?" Larry looked at me 
"Hey sal- ready to go?"
I looked at the time on my. Phone
"Uh yeah how long were you guys down here?"
I put my phone in my pocket
"Uh not that long we just got down here actually,  but anyway let's go-"

We all left the apartments and headed to school. After getting to school we went inside and put our stuff away and grabbed stuff for our first period class.

The bell didn't ring yet so we all just stayed in the hall talking, I saw travis walking in threw the doors and smiled at him , I waved a bit and larry glared at me
"So what's this about " Larry chuckled
"Shut up-" I jokingly punched his arm.

The bell finally rang and everyone went to class
[Sorry for the short chapters lately I'll update more soon!-]

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