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Pov:travis phelphs

I woke up to the irritating sound of my alarm clock and my father's loud foot steps coming up the stairs. I sat up on my bed and waited for his footsteps to pass my room. I got off my bed and quietly put my clothes on..

After getting dressed I grabbed my phone from behind my pillow and stuffed it into my backpack. I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs to the kitchen.. I don't really ever eat breakfast so I just grabbed my coat and headed towards the front door
"I leaving for school!"
I heard my fathers footsteps walk towards the top if the stairs but he didn't say anything , even though I could still feel him stareing at me

I left my house and walked down the street my house was right behind the phelphs ministry so it wasn't that far away from the school.. as I arrived at the school I saw that stupid blue haired boy that sits across from me in math class . I didn't  pay much attention to him because I didn't wanna start a fight at 7 in the morning..

The morning bell rang and everyone walked into the school and towards thier lockers as well as me. I grabbed my book and stuff for first period and walked into homeroom..

I sat at my desk and waited for the first bell to ring.. I looked around and saw larry sitting in the back of the class probably stoned. I don't like larry and don't get why anyone hangs out with him. He always smells like cigarettes , I don't bother talking to him much the only time I talk to him is when we get into fights over me punching sal or something.. speaking of sal .. he came in the homeroom class and sat across from me like he always does .

The bell finally rings and everyone gets up and head to their first period class . I walked into my English class and sat down..
"Alright after everyone has settled down and everyone is here I'll assign groups for everyone to work in "
The teacher was putting us  into groups because we are doing some  boring  project...  apparently everyone is going into 3 person groups.. after everyone came in the two idiots/ sal and larry came in late like they always do.. and sat in their seats..
"Alright now that everyone is here I'll assign groups.."

After everyone else had been put in groups I realized that the last 3 people left were me sal and larry.. of course I get put into the group with the people I hate the most..

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