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Larry and travis came out of the room and sat back down,
"Hey this is boring how about we play spin the bottle "
I said grabbing and empty bottle form the sink and washing it
"Ohh that's fun"
"I'm not playing "
Todd got up and sat up on the couch
"Okay okay but everyone else in?"
Larry looked around the room
"Uh what's spin the bottle?.."
I looked at travis
"You don't know what spin the bottle is? Well its just spinning a bottel ans whoever it lands on you kiss"
I sat back down and placed the empty beer bottle on the floor and everyone got in a circle
I spun the bottel and it slowly landed on Ashley [Larry and ash are dating cus i said so-]
Larry glared at me
"I'd rather not be dead-"
Ash laughed and spun the bottel it lands on Larry and they kissed and smiled at eachother
"Okay okay love birds Larry spin"
He rolled his eyes
"Okay okay"
He spun the bottel and it landed on travis
"Ew- I'm not kissing travis-"
I laughed
"Okay okay but no more skipping after this , travis your turn "

Travis looked at me
"Huh? Oh yeah"
He spun the bottel and it landed on me, larry chuckled and glared at travis who was blushing Todd laughed from the couch
"Yeah travis he said no more skipping come on kiss him"
I could tell travis was uncomfortable
"It's okay travis you don't have t-"
Before I could make out another word travis lifted my prosthetic and kissed me

[Ahahha cliff hanger>:) for now]

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