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I sat on my couch waiting for everyone to show up, I heard a soft subtle knock on my door and stood up
I walked over to the door and opened it to see travis
"Am j late?."
I smiled underneath my mask
"No your the first one here actually- uhm you can go sit on the couch-"
I closed the door and sat next to travis.

Soon I heard a loud knock
"Oh there's larry-"
I got up and opened the door for him and the others. Everyone sat on the floor and larry kept giving me glares and laughing as I sat next to travis.
"Well who wants to go first?"
Ash sat up straight
"Oh! I'll go! Larry truth or dare?"
Larry thought for a moment
"Truth "
"Have you smoked today?"
He chuckled
I laughed
"That's a weird question he smokes everyday , he's probably high right now"
He looked at my jokingly offended
"I didn't smoke yesterday "
He laughed
"Okay okay just take your turn"
He chuckled
"Fine sal Truth or dare"
"Hmmm dare"
"We can tell you yo do anything right?"
I nodded
He chuckled
"Sal kiss travis on the cheek"
I got quickly flustered
"Hey! I told you not to bring the bet into the game"
He laughed and travis looked just as nervous and flustered
"You said anything "
I reluctantly agreed
Travis looked panicked as his face looked a crimson red
I lifted my mask and kissed travis on the cheek I chuckled at travis's face and my face blushed aswell underneath my mask.

After a few rounds the question came back to travis larry chuckled before asking
"So travis do you like anyone in here"
Travis looked nervous and started blushing again
"I- uhm"
Larry looked at travis aswell as everyone else making him more nervous
"If you don't wanna tell everyone else we can go in another room"
Travis reluctantly nodded and they went into another room


Larry closed the door and looked at me
"So do you"
I felt so much pressure and knew he wouldn't let me leave if I didn't answer
"Ugh if you don't tell me soon I'll make you"
"Fine. I do but don't tell anyone "
He chuckled
"I knew it! It's sal isn't it I saw the way you look at him honestly I'm not mad sals a great dude but-"
Larry stepped closer forcing me into the wall
"If you ever hurt him , I'll find you and -"
"Larry come on! How long dose it take to ask a dam question "
He looked at me and backed towards the door
"Comeing!... lucky bastard-"

[I'll finish this later]

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