
400 17 3

pov:sal fisher

I walked into my apartment on the 4th floor of Addison apartments and put my backpack away, my clothes were heavily damp . I looked around and saw my father slouched on the couch asleep with a beer bottle in his hand , I took the bottle out of his hand and put it in the trash then I went in my room.. my father started drinking a lot after my mother passed , i sat on my bed and laid down trying to just fall asleep ..

I woke up a few hours later and it was 1am. I got up and saw gizmo in his cat bed asleep.. I looked at the floor and saw my mask it must have fallen off in my sleep.. I grabbed my mask and clipped it on. I sat in my room looking around my room was dark since the sun hadn't come up yet ..

I went back to sleep and woke back up at 7am , I got up and put my sweater and pants on and gathered my stuff for school..

After getting ready I went out of my room and saw my dad had left the living room and went into his room , I left my apartment and headed towards the elevator..

After reaching the 1st floor I walked towards the green door that lead outside I heard larry calling my name from behind
I turned around
"Oh hi larry "
He caught up with me and we walked to school together

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