
426 18 8

Pov:travis phelphs

  I always hate Mondays always the worst day of the week but as soon as the school day ended and me and sal walked out it started down pouring with rain , luckily I brought an umbrella . I started walking down the concrete path of the sidewalk and looked behind me and saw sal with out his coat or an umbrella just shivering walking in the Rain , it was quite warm that morning do I'm guessing that's why he didn't have a coat and umbrella we also had gym and had to change into t-shirts and shorts for basketball so hes probably cold..

I stopped walked and started walking in sals direction then followed next to him , once he noticed the rain stopped pouring over him he looked up at me we made eye contact .
"Thanks travis "
He said still shivering holding the sides of his arms.
"No problem.."
I walked next to sal watching him and the sidewalk in front of us , I felt bad so eventually I put my coat over his shoulders , sal looked at me then put my coat on that was too big for him but he didn't care much.
"Thanks.. won't you be cold?"
He looked back at the sidewalk
"No I'm okay.."

We finally got to the apartments and the phelphs ministry that were a street across from each other sal looked at the
apartments then at me
"Bye travis- wait here your coat"
He handed me my coat back.
"Oh yeah- see you sal"
He smiled and ran inside the apartments..

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