
452 16 5

Pov: sal fisher

I woke up and pushed my blanket off myself..and getting up and changing I grabbed my back pack..it's Friday the last day of the week that I have to go to school..I grabbed my mask off my side table and left my room..

After getting to school , late like always I put my stuff in my locker and grabbed the note I found yesterday and put it in my pocket I grabbed my English class books and note and walked into class I saw travis and larry in the class , and sat down.

After English I went to my locker and took the note out of my pocket.. I unfolded it and read the note


Hey I don't know if I put this in the right locker but.. if I did.. Hi sal i wanted to tell you this earlier today but I couldn't get myself to do it so I wrote this note in last period.. I like you no I love you but I know you have opinions on me .. everything you said at lunch made me happy I don't know how to feel actually.. I've felt this way for a while but I knew my father would kill me if he found out..I understand if you don't feel the same but ..


The note stopped there.. I was surprised from what I had read..I can't believe travis.. should I confront him about the note?.. i have so many questions but how could he like me.. my stomach turned bit not the bad way..the bell rang for second period and I hurried to class..

[Short chapter sorry lol :)]

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