
718 23 9

Pov: travis phelphs

After my first 3 classes I went to the lunch room and sat down it wasn't bologna day and everything else the school makes sucks.. well the bologna also sucks but it's not as bad as some of the stuff they serve us.. I sat at the lunch table alone and waited.  After a while sal walked over to me and sat down , he looked towards larry and motioned him to come over but larry refused and kept where he was.
"Hey travis , so ready to work on the project "
Sal figeted with his hands under the table and looked at me . I turned my head towards him
" I guess - why are you talking to me freak "

Sal folded his arms
"Oh come on you have to at least help a bit"
I rolled my eyes and  looked around the  lunch room
"Whatever fisher"
I'll admit I didn't really want to be mean but .. him and his stupid friends are so open about being gay it sickens me.. my father hates gay people and always says it's a sin and all that stuff.. but now I have to work with the freaks.. I would say it's not fair but I guess it's pay back for being an asshole..
"Meet me at my apartment at 6 ok?"
Sal handed me a small paper with his address written on it.

After sal gave me his address I felt my stomach turn but not in a bad way same way I felt when I first saw sal when he moved here.. Sal got up and walked back over to the table with his friends. Larry gave me a angry stare but was distracted by sal.

After the bell rang everyone  got up and left the lunch room and headed to their classes.. I walked to my locker and grabbed my math books and notebook.. as I stepped into the class I saw sal  he usually not here till the bell rings signaling that the class period has started  I didn't pay much attention to it and just sat down .. the teacher started the lesson as usual and sal fell asleep  like everyday I don't blame him to be honest math is boring

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