
442 18 4

Pov:travis phelphs

I sat in 3rd period nervous of what I did the day before I can't believe I actually did it.. what if I put it in the wrong locker. The thoughts of it going wrong filled my head bit as soon as the bell rang I  quickly walked out of the classroom  and went to my locker and put my stuff away , and went to the lunch room on my way I saw sal going in the opposite direction , he noticed me and waved. I almost tripped and waved back still nervous if he had read the note if it even had got to him- I got to the lunch room and sat down .. I wasn't very interested in eating the school food after they canceled the bologna sandwichs . I heard  someone sit down next to me , I looked next to me and saw sal.
"Hi travis."
I felt my face become red and my stomach turned..
"Oh uh.. hi sal-"
Sal looked down at the table and took something out of his pocket .. I saw it was the note I had put in his locker
I felt myself being unable to speak knowing he read it..
"Do you.. actually like me?.."
Sal looked at me.. I felt trapped and not able to give a answer without studdering..
"I- uhm.. "
Before sal could say anymore larry walked over
"Hey sal Todd wants to talk to you we might plan a hangout or something at the treehouse"
Larry looked at me then at sal again.
"Oh okay-"
Sal got up and started walking away with larry to thier table . Sal waved at me before sitting down and talking with his friends..

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