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[This first part will be a "dream"/nightmare or flashback type thing I guess]

I looked around as the low fall breeze hit my face , I heard something from the bushes and looks around I finally spotted a face poking out from the bushes a dog's face , "mama look a doggy can I go pet it" my mother smiled at me "wait sal we have to wait for dad to get here" The dog vanished when I looked again but I knew it was still there "please mama can I go pet the doggy" my mother sighed "Okay sal but don't wander off too far now" I smiled "Okay mom-" I walked off towards the dog it was back poking its head in the bushes, I heard my mother's footsteps behind me and slowly reached out for the dog


I quickly jumped up from my sleep panting and looking around , my hair was down over my face and I had tear streaming my face.. just another dream I looked at my clock that sat on my dresser and saw it had been 5am I had school in an hour and didn't really wanna go back to sleep .

I got up and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a black sanitys fall shirt . I grabbed my mask from my desk and clicked it on , I left my room and looked over at my cat laying on the couch sleeping . I sat on the couch and went on my phone to pass time..

[Larry picked the group chat name lol]
Ghost busters👻

🟤:dude I forgot to do my hw-

🟣:you forget everyday larry.

🔵: gm guys how long have you guys been up-

🟤:ehh since 4

🔵:why are you up so early

🟤:why are you up so late

🟡: why are you guys texting so much your blowing up my phone

🟤: then turn your notifications off church boy

🔵: I'm gonna go see you guys at school!

🟣:see ya sal!

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