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We all sat on the living room floor working on the project for about an hour and a half before I got text. I pulled my phone out and a wash of regret ran over me
Sal looked over confused
" what?"
I sighed opening my phone
" it's my father "
Sal looked worried
Larry looked up from his work

Father 🖕✝️

Where are you travis.

Travis andwer your dam phone

Your gonna regret it if you ignore me.

🟡: my apologies father.. I went out with friends and they suggested to stay over there place because it was late.

What friends.  Was it a boy. 

🟡: no father. 

So a girl?
( travis lied so his father would not be mad)

🟡: yes father.

Hm I'd like to meet this girl.

🟡: okay father

Bring her for dinner. Are you dating this girl

🟡: I don't know?

Well none the less I'd like to meet her

🟡: of course father.


" Uh problem..
Sal looked at me confused
" what "
I looked at my phone then back at the two boys.
" I might have lied to my father saying I was hanging out with a girl because he doesn't allow me to hang out with boys unless from the church or Phil and he wants to meet 'her' "

" so? "
" Well he wants to have 'her' over for dinner tonight.."
Sal sat up
" easy I'll just pretend to be a girl and go meet your father "
Larry looked at sal
" Sal he's gonna question your mask-"
"Uh medical condition?"
Larry sighed
"Worth a shot"

I looked at the time and stretched
" Well it's almost 5pm and usual curfew and dinner at my home is 6-7"
Sal smiled and stretched
" hm okay so that gives us an hour to get ready "
I nodded and stood up aswell as sal and larry
" Come on lar I have to find something to wear"


Me and larry left the living room to find something to wear I dug threw my messed up closet and went threw an old box I haven't gone threw since I lived in New Jersey.

I got to the bottom of the box before finding a yellow plain dress that had a white ribbon across the waist. Well travis did say I was a girl so I should probably act like it

I took the dress out and kept going threw the box I finally found some black tights and put them next to the dress
"Think this'll look good?"
Larry nodded
"Alright now.. should I have my hair down or up"
" I think down looks good"
I nodded and larry left the room so I could get changed.

I left the room after getting changed and saw larry and travis talking on the couch
" Hey guys!"
I smiled , travis looked at me and smiled 
" sup"
Larry waved. I went into my room and grabbed my prosthetic. I sat down on the couch next to them , travis checked his phone
" we should leave soon"
I nodded
"Want me to walk with you guys?"
Larry suggested leaning back
"It'd okay lar. The ministry isn't that far"
I smiled underneath the prosthetic

After a while it had turned 5:30 and I turned to travis .
" Hey travis we should get going "
He looked at his phone then back to me
" yeah-lets go"
I straightened out my dress and we headed off to the phelphs ministry 

We went down the elevator and threw the green doors . We walked down the grayish sidewalk as we finally crossed the street and stood in front of the phelphs ministry.  It had a large gate right before  travis nervously pressed the buzzer . We waited then heard a voice on the speaker
" phelphs ministry enter the pass code to enter or state your name"
Travis entered a short pass code then held his finger on a record button
" Travis phelphs-"

We waited then heard a beep as the doors slowly opened.  Travis looked at me.
" Come on"
We walked in and went up the driveway past the ministry to the large house. Travis knocked on the door and waited.
" this is your house? Why is there so much security "
Travis backed away from the door and stood next to me
"No clue "

The door opened and a tall around 6'7 guy in a mostly black outfit opened the door . He had semi long light blonde hair and a boney facial features. He looked down at us his eyes almost brown enough to look red.
" hello travis.  Is this the girl you were speaking of?"
Travis looked at his father.
" yes father "

The tall man looked at me , I felt slightly intimated
" h-hello sir-"
I stiffed a hello attempting to get rid of the awkward atmosphere.
The man stared at me before greeting me aswell with a simple nod

He then turned to travis.
" you may come in inside you two can go to travis's room"
We nodded as the man stepped back and walked away to the kitchen.
Travis and me walked inside and went upstairs to his room.

[ next chapter will be dinner:) ]

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