
539 17 8

Pov: sal fisher

After the bell rang i walked down the hall to my locker to put the stuff I didn't need away , I have 2 more classes till lunch.. I grabbed my sience lab notebook and textbook and walked down to the lab. I saw Todd waiting outside the lab like he always does..
"Hi Todd what's up"
He looked at me and adjusted his glasses
" oh hello sal I'm just waiting for the teacher to unlock the door"
I looked at the sience lab door , it had been locked like Todd had said.
"Why don't we unlock it ourself"
I said pulling a paperclip out of my pocket.
"Sal you know we could get in trouble right"
Todd adjusted his glasses again
"Yeah but who cares"
Todd looked at me
"I care "
I walked to the sience lab door and put the paper clip in the key slot
"Fine then you can stay out here"
The door clicked and it opened

After convincing Todd to come in we sat down and waited for the teacher,  before the teacher got there a few other students had arrived.  The teacher walked in and looked around confused
" I thought I had locked the door.."
Everyone denied it being locked and me and Todd just went along with it.

After my last class before lunch I went to my locker and put everything away . I saw travis walking down the hall but I paid no attention to him because he was quite far away. I saw ash walking over and waved at her. She smiled and walked over
"Hi sal"
She said in a sweet tone.
"Hi ash what's up-"
Before ash could answer I heard travis behind me
"Hey freak!-"
I looked behind me and saw travis , who  if I haven't mentioned before was quite tall . In an attempt to not get punched today I just ignored him
"Nobody likes a goodie Two shoes saaally face"
I sighed
"And nobody likes a cliché bully traaavis''
Ash seemed annoyed
"Don't you have something better to do?"
Ash said with annoyed tone
"Shut up bitch I wasn't talking to you "
Travis made an angry glare at ash. I was already fed up with travis's bs
"You know , mabye if you took that stick out of your ass you might enjoy your self for once , mabye even make a friend or two"
Travis got even more pissed off
"Fuck off f$ggot I have more friends than you'll ever have!" [[I can reclaim]]
I laughed
"You kiss your daddy with that tongue,  I'm sure he-"
You remember when I said I was trying not to get punched well things backfired.. before I could finish my sentence travis's fist collided with my mask and punched me..

After travis ran away ash turned and looked at him
"Hey what the hell asshole!-.. are you alright sal?"
Ash said worried
" ah.. I'm fine" [yes I took this whole thing from the dub]
"Come on let's report the jerk"
I turned to ash
"No , don't worry  that'll just make things worse.. trust me I've had bigger bullies than travis before "
Ash looked even more worried
"Sal your bleeding!-"
I put my hand to the side of my face that he punched and saw that blood was dripping from behind my mask
"Here use my bandana "
Ash handed me her bandana  that she carrys around. [OK now we're gonna go away from the dub]
"Oh thanks.."
Ash smiled
"What's up with him he always bullies you"
Ash said as i wiped the blood
"He probably just mad they moved bologna day to tomorrow,  "
Ash laughed and smiled

[Next chapter will be about the bathroom  note part]

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