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By the time my father had gotten to the arcade me and travis were soaked in water but none the less we happily got in the car.

After getting home I went into my room and went to my closet as travis followed me
"What are you doing?"
I turned around
"You can borrow some of my clothes since yours are soaked I have some that are to big for me"
"Oh uh okay"
I grabbed a light brown SF shirt and some pajama pants.
"Here you can shower first the bathroom is the last room near the kitchen "
Travis nodded and left the room.

I sat on my bed and grabbed my phone to pass time while I waited.

🟠: did u guys make it home safe?
🔵:yeah travis Is in the shower he's gonna stay at my place for the night
🟤: ooo hey don't do anything
🔵: ew wtf larry!
🟠:guys we still have to turn in the project
🔵: oh shit forgot about that
🟤:same man hey I'll come by tomorrow we can work on it .
🔵:alright cya!

Travis knocked on the door
"Come in!"
Travis came in closing the door behind him.
"I'm gonna go take a shower you can look around my room or something "
I grabbed clothes and left to go shower.


I looked around sals room and sat on his  bed pulling my phone out. I went to the groupchat that sal had added me in

Ghostbusters 👻
🟤:hi travis what's up man
🟡: nothing just bored
🟤:alr oh BTW I gonna head over sals place and we are all gonna ork on the project together
🟡:uh alright
🟣: hey guys! Sorry I couldn't make it to the arcade
🟤: it's alright ash
🟣: hey since when did u guys not wanna cut eachothers throats out?
🟤: eh me and travis are cool now right travis
🟡: uh yeah-
I heard the water stop in the other room
🟤: well I gotta  go mom is saying I have to go to bed
🟡: alr
🟣: bye larry!

Sal came in the room.
" Hey whatcha doing?"
His hair was still wet from the shower and ot dripped down on his pants.
"Nothing just on my phone"
"Oh alright so where do you wanna sleep ? I can sleep on the floor ."
"What no it's okay I'll sleep on the floor it's alright "
Sal sighed
"Come on trav it's okay I have an extra mattress I'll sleep on the floor "

After a few minutes of arguing we decided that sal would sleep on the floor. Sal left to go grab an extra mattress and i sat on the bed .

Sal came back and laid the mattress down onto the floor and sat down.

[Gonna be continued]

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