!mini chapter!

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-Few months after they started dateing and everyone's hanging out at the lake-

Sal sat by the water smileing his mask laying upside down next to him . I inched my hand to his and rubbed my pinky on his hand sal looked at me and smiled he held my hand and stared into the distance at his friends laughing and splashing around in the lake . I inched closer and Leaned on sal . He Leaned his head back on mine as we both stared .
" this is so nice.. "
I smiled
" yeah.."
Sal lifted his head and I looked at him sal stared into my eyes and I stared into his almost melting in his gaze.. ( so gay)
" can I kiss you-"
I nodded not being able to speak..

Sal kissed me placing his hand on my cheek , I kissed sal back . We kissed almost makeing out before we were interrupted by larry
"Aye gay wads ! Stop makeing out and come in the water! "
Sal giggled and stood up holding a hand out for me. I took sals hand and got up sal took off his shirt since he  already had his swim trunks on. He was chubby almost a dad bod I stared before sal caught me.
" my eyes are up here dummy"
I blushed and got flustered.  Sal laughed at me
" don't worry trav  I know you love me . Come on let's go in"
I nodded and took off My shirt sal looked back his face almost instantly becoming red
I titled my head and watched sal blush stareing at my chest and lower area ( v-line and abs to chest. Travis is healthily skinny and boney he used to have a ED and is now recovering but his body is still slim beacuse of his fast metabolism)
I chuckled realizing what he meant

We stepped close to the water
" ah its colddd"
I whined
Sal laughed
" don't be a baby just go in"
Sal ran in and dove into the water he came back up and shaked his damp hair put like a dog . His wet hair laid in his face and he came towards me. I watched the water drip off of him and blushed , he ran over once he was in shallow enough water and hugged me
" ahhh your soaked!!"
Sal laughed and stopped hugging me just to push me into the water.
" ah! Hey! Not fair "
I shivered a bit and stood up . Sal stared at me again seeming to blush harder then I was . ( the water running and dripping off travis)
" mY EyeS ArE uP HeRe" I mocked sam and sal looked back up into my eyes
" mhm I know " He pushed me down by my shoulders and kissed me . I smiled
" Come on! Let's go your friends are stareing "
I laughed and ran into the water holding sals hand and splashing him..

Hehe okay okay NOW tell me do you guys want more of this fanfic or no >:]

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