
446 18 4

Pov:travis phelphs

That day when I was walking home from school j felt relieved that sal knew and wasn't weird about it but kinda nervous..after walking for a while j heard  running footsteps behind me and someone yelling my name I thought it was my friend Philip so I turned around and saw sal running over to me. I stood  confused until he caught up
"Hey travis- you walk fast"
He was out of breath from running and breathing kinda heavy
"Oh here I wanted to give you this at lunch but larry interrupted us it's my number you call or text me anytime if you want "
Sal gave me a small folded paper probably with his phone number on it
"Thanks sal-"
Sal looked behind him
"Well now I gotta run home see ya!"
Sal started walking in the direction I was going I smiled and put the note in my pocket.

That day went so much better than I thought..I can't believe sal gave me his number i- wait I have to get home before father gets angry

I ran home the rest of the way and made it threw the door by 6:29 a minute before curfew.. father looked at me from the kitchen
"Go upstairs and so your homework, travis"
I started walking up the stairs
"Yes father "
I went up the creaky stairs and went into my dull room.. but luckily for me I had no homework this Friday so I didn't have to do anything.. i laid on my bed stareing at my ceiling for a while until I heard my phone make a notification sound

I got up and grabbed my phone and checked what it was. It was an unknown number but I checked the note that sal gave me and it was identical to it.. I opened message app and added sal to my contacts before replying


(Hi travis)


What's up :) )

Stareing at my ceiling  :/)

Oh so wanna talk about it now that larry won't interpret us? It's okay if you don't)

Uhm sure I don't mind)

So..  do you actually like me?..)

I- yes sorry if it's weird but I've liked you for a while but my father is really homophobic and well you know ..)

Oh shit sorry that you have to deal with that.. if you ever wanna just hang out to get away from your father over the weekends or something feel free to come over.. oh and it's not weird at all I'm kinda flattered that you like me.. I wouldn't have expected you of all people but that's wonderful and I like you too travis)

[Sorry about long paragraph:')]

Wait- you like me?.. I thought you would hate me and not talk to me when you found out- )

Well larry doesn't like you very much but I always knew something else was wrong  and I kinda liked you too.. despite getting punched all the time)

Oh yeah sorry about that I kinda acted homophobic to cover up the fact I like you .. didn't go very well though)

Haha I guess we'll I gotta go now see ya at school Monday or anytime you wanna hangout)



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