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I walked down to the arcade and waited by the front doors.after a while larry and Todd showed up I wasn't really expecting ash to show but I still wanted to wait for travis
"Come on sal let's go"
I looked at him then back down the street
"You guys can go I'm gonna wait for travis "
Larry looked down the road aswell
"Suit yourself I guess "
After they went inside I took my phone out and texted travis

🔵: are u still coming?
🟡:yeah I'm leaving now
🔵: oh okay see ya!
🟡: see ya sallyface

I smiled at my phone and waited . Soon I saw travis walking down the street toward the arcade as he approached me I smiled
"I knew you would show up"
He smiled and looked into the arcade
"What did u think I wasn't "
He laughed still looking in as if something caught his attention I  looked behind me and saw larry stareing qt us while playing a game
"Don't worry about him it's alright trav I promise "
I reassured him and he looked down at me nervous
I nodded and took his hand as we walked into the arcade

I looked around at the neon and bright lights scattered around the place and the floors that were that tacky black with neon lines and dots you always see at these kinda places. Travis seemed to calm down when we got in the arcade past larry.
"Hey we should get some tokens come on"
I started walking toward the front desk where there was the prize area and the token machine.

I grabbed a 10 dollar bill from my pocket and put it in the machine. After the machine made a click nosie and dispensed some coins. I grabbed our coins and looked around
"What do you wanna play?"
Travis looked around
"Uh I don't know-"
I smiled
"Why don't we look around?"
Travis nodded and we walked around the area

After finding a 2 player game we both sat down in the stool chairs connected to the game. I put our tokens in the game and grabbed a controller

I smiled as I noticed travis visually having fun and smiling.  I looked back
"Shit "
Travis chuckled
"How are you so good at this ?"
I laughed a bit
"No idea"
He laughed as well.

After we finished the round I looked around and saw larry talking with todd I took travis's hand again and began to walk over
"Sal are you sure?"
Travis sounded nervous
"Mhm don't worry trav"
As we got over larry looked at me then travis
"Hey guys what's up "
Larry said looking at us then noticed we were holding hands.. he looked at me with a glare .
"Ahem so it's supposed to rain soon so we should get going "
Todd said breaking the silence
"Man we just got here"
Todd adjusted his glasses
"Sal we shouldn't walk in the rain plus it might thunder--"
Soon we all heard a Cracking thunder sound as the rain started
"See? Come on let's go "
As much as I wanted to stay it seemed as everyone there was leaving so I set the rest of my tokens down and went toward the exit

I grabbed my phone and checked calls
"Hey I'm gonna call My dad and see if he can drive us home alright?"
Larry and Todd had already got a ride back and me and travis were standing in the rain
Travis said confused holding the sides of the arms
"Mhm it's raining pretty bad and maybe you could stay the night?"
Travis checked his phone for the time then looked back at me
"Uh alright-"
I smiled and called my dad

"Hey dad could you pick me and travis up from the arcade?"
"Uh sure bud who's travis?"
"He's a .. friend is it alright if he stays the night "
"Sure ill be there soon sal "
"Okay thanks dad"

I hung up and looked at travis
"He's gonna pick us up "
Travis nodded and looked back at the street.

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