Angel Neveah Williams | 18nicknames: A, Vaeh, Princess, Top Notch
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7.30amShit. I'm finna get late.
I got up real fast and went into the bathroom to do my morning routine. After that I threw on sumn cute and went downstairs to the kitchen.
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. When I got downstairs my momma was sitting on the couch looking through some letters, so I went to the kitchen and made some cereal to eat.
''Good morning, ma.'' I said sitting next to her on the couch to eat my cereal.
''Morning honey. I told you not to eat that on my couch na, its new.'' She said feeling on her brand new couch.
''My bad ma. I know you don't play bout ya couch.'' I said moving my cereal to the island to finish it.
''Damn right. I paid a lot for this couch.'' She said moving herself to lay on the couch.
I chuckled and finished my cereal to put it in the sink and wash it.
''Aight, ma. I'ma head out to school.'' I said grabbing my bag and keys.
''Okay sweetie but before you go I need you to bring this bag to miss Gaby next door.'' She reached for the bag and gave it to me.
''Ma, i would. But I ain't tryna see Lo right now.'' I said shaking my head.
''Sweetie I get it, this breakup was bad and I saw first-hand how it took a toll on you.'' She said.
More like almost killed me.
''But you need to move on from it and that includes facing him again since he's our neighbor and goes to yo school.'' She explained.
I sighed knowing she was right. I couldn't keep letting him get to me.
''Okay I guess you right.'' I said huffing.