After a long while, Lorenzo felt like he was ready to talk to his dad.
The therapist he had been seeing told him he was making great progress and that he was ready to face the issue head on.
Lorenzo on the other hand was not so sure.
"You ready?" Angel said as she watched Lo staring at the door through the car windshield to where his Daddy lived.
He knew he couldn't do this alone. So he asked Angel to join em.
"I don't know." he shrugged.
"You got this, bruh." Jamal said from the phone.
Him and Lo made up and he told them he was finna go talk to they daddy.
"Yeah, I just wish you woulda brought us along." Janae said softly.
"I don't want yall to witness nun yall ain't ready for yet, but the time is gon come. I promise." Lo assured.
"Love you pooda." Nae said.
"Love big bro." Mal said.
"Love yall too." Lo spoke before hanging up.
Lorenzo Amari Phillips | 20
Location: In the car
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. A lot of shit was going through my head while I waited in the car.
I knew if that nigga pissed me off we would throw hands.
The only bit of stress relieve I got, was every time I looked in Angel's eyes.
It had been a couple days since I said we should take it easy.
Finals was over and miss Jayla was cool with us going to meet with DDG in a couple days.
I was pumped. I had never been to LA, even though I coulda been went.
There's just no place like New York, l don't think I'd wanna live anywhere else. But shit, who knows?
After taking a couple breaths, I opened the door and went around to Angel's side to open her door and help her out the car.
''You got this.'' she held my hands and squeezed them a bit before hugging me tight.
When we got to the door, I looked at her one last time before knocking on the door.
Bout two minutes and he opened the door.
''Hey.'' he spoke letting us in.
I didn't say much, let alone look at him before entering into the crib. The outside was already fire, don't een get me started on the inside.
Nigga can live this well, without even including his kids?
Angel smiled at him.
''Hi Mr. Phillips.'' she spoke nicely.