Location: On the roadFLASHBACK....
10 months ago...
Chris, Lorenzo and Angel were in the car driving somewhere and Angel was in the backseat half asleep.
''Bae you sleepy?'' Lo turned his head to look at her from the passenger seat.
''I mean yeah, you kept me up last night.'' she groaned and he chuckled while Chris just shook his head.
''My bad baby. I just couldn't resist.'' he said and Chris gave them suspicious looks.
''I mean you couldn't eith---- Yeah yeah, I ain't tryna hear allat bro.'' Chris squeeked and Angel laughed.
''Nevamind. But we here so no time fa sleeping bae.'' Lo said and he got out the car.
Angel groaned again and was hit with the bright light of the sun when Lorenzo opened the door.
''Mmm.'' she said and Lo grabbed her hand and she got up.
They walked over to the inside of the building and Angel looked and noticed they was at the gun range.
''Why the fuck?'' she shook her head towards Lo as she locked into his arm.
''Me and Chris just tryna blow off some steam, right C?'' he said and Chris nodded.
''Ugh, aight.'' Angel walked over and the workers led them to a room with a bunch of paper targets and large and small guns.
''I on like this.'' she looked around and crossed her arms. Seeing all those guns made her feel uncomfortable. She never got how people could just kill like it was nothing. It meant a great deal to her.
''Bae just grab some water and sit down okay.'' Lo assured and she did as told.
She sat down and sipped on a water bottle. But she busted out laughing seeing Chris grabbing a shotgun and nearly dropping it.
''Nigga watch out bruh. Play too much.'' Lo chuckled and Angel covered her mouth.
Lo started off with a 9 mm glock and started shooting. When he finished the clip, he had hit the target in the skull 3 times and once in the chest.
Angel startled mostly hearing the sounds of guns but watching her man shoot like that, kinda turned her on.
So when he turned around and looked at her, after taking off his headphones, she gave him this look that she always does when she is satisfied.
He laughed cus of it.
''Who taught you how to shoot?'' she asked pouting. Him and Chris shared a look for he turned his head back to Angel.
''Yo pops.'' he said and her look faded.
''What?'' she simply said.
''Yeah. Mr. Williams used to run the streets back inna day.'' Chris chuckled and Lo looked at Angel.
''How come I never knew about none of this?'' she got up and moved closer.
''Cus ya pops told us not to tell you. He didn't want you involved.'' Lo said.
''Which is understandable.'' Chris nodded.
''So he lied to me?'' she looked straight faced.
''Nah, he just held back the truth to protect you. And he also didn't want you to see him differently. To him you was his lil girl and he wanted to stay just ya pops.'' Lo explained and Angel nodded.