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Lorenzo Amari Phillips | 20
Location: The courts

My mind was everywhere after I talked to Angel. She had let me down one too many times and I was done.

Shooting hoops always made me clear my mind when I was down, mostly because when I would hoop Angel would show up out of nowhere and make me feel better.

Only this time that wouldn't happen. The guys told me they was out with Riah and Tazhé so I didn't wanna be at the apartment by myself.

All of a sudden my phone was ringing in my pocket and it was some anonymous phone number calling me.

It kept calling me so I just gave in and picked up.

"Who the fuck is this?" I spoke sternly.

"Sup Renzo?" I heard a familiar voice chuckle in the phone and then realized who it was.

"You miss me?" he said evilly.

"The fuck you want Q? You got a burner in there already huh?" I asked.

He laughed again.

"That's funny. Nigga I'm out." my eyes widened.

"Impossible. What judge is letting you out with all ya charges?" I said.

"A little thing called a deal comes in handy sometimes." I dry laughed.

"So yo ass snitched?"

"Let's say I threw somebody under the bus for my shit." he said.

"And you calling me for what to apologize for yo ass get killed in these streets?" I asked and he laughed.

"Nigga you hoped that. I figured if I'ma die anyways least I can do is make yo life a hell as long as I'm still here." he got serious.

"Yeah good luck with that." I was ready to hang.

"Nigga I'm almost done. How you liking my cousin Kyrie? Well you know him as KC." he said and my heart started pounding faster.

KC is Daquan's cousin?

I took a beat to realize what coulda possibly happened.

"The fuck do you want Quan?" I said more sternly.

"First, answer this facetime call real quick." he said and then he hung up.

A moment later he called back on Facetime and I answered.

When the camera opened, I saw Angel. Tied up to a chair and looking exhausted. She had a bump on her head and she had some scratches on her face.

My blood started boiling.

"I'll motherfucking kill you. Nigga LET HER GO." I yelled and clenched my jaw.

"Nah. That's something I can't do. Unless you do something for me instead." he smirked and I was breathing heavy looking at Angel.

"The fuck, you want, Quan?" I said with a lot of spaces in between.

"See now you talking." he chuckled and I wanted to punch my phone seeing his bitch ass face.

"Here's what's finna happen. Yo depressed ass gon come here, and shoot yoself." I scrunched my face cus wtf.

"No. Lo don't come, don't come here." Angel tiredly spoke and my eyes widened.

"Bitch shut the fuck up." I heard a female speak in the back and it was a familiar voice.

"Nah you shut the fuck up, ya fucking cunt." Q slapped the girl and she stumbled into the cam.

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