June | Angel Nevaeh Williams
Location: On the road3 weeks later....
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''Yes momma?'' I said picking up the phone.''Hey baby how you doing?'' her voice louded through the car.
''I'm good mama, you?'' I lied cus I ain't need her knowing me and Lo was onna break.
''I'm alright how's Lo?'' she asked and I rolled my eyes not wanting to hear his name.
''He fine too.'' I lied again cus me and him ain't been talking.
Well we have but it's just been bout the choreo we needa come up with and when we go to shoots for our brand deals.
''Okay I miss you, pookie.'' she said and I awed even though I hated when she called me pookie.
''I miss you too mookie.'' I said and she laughed.
''But ma lemme call you back cus I'm pulling up to this photo shoot for Balenciaga.'' I said parking the car.
''Okay baby go make this money and tell Lo I said hi.'' she said and I chuckled.
"Will do say hi to Shani and the twins fa me too." I said fore hanging up.
I locked my doors and took my purse before going upstairs to the building.
I was surprised how Lo could fake still being madly in love wimme so much in front of others that it made me question if he ever faked it to me.
After taking a deep ass breath, I entered the photo studio and instantly saw Lo being styled.
We was promoting this new Balenciaga Varsity Jackets and he was wearing his already.
I ain't gon lie he was looking kinda good. Normally I'd tell him but he wanted to have a break cus I wasn't making him happy right?
Yeah so no more kiki hahaing from me.
I went over to Taima the stylist and sat down getting my jacket fitted also.
"Hey Ima." I said smiling.
"Hey ma you look good." she said and I smiled.
"Thanks honey what you got for me today?" I asked curiously.
"Well since you already did yo makeup immaculate, I ain't even gon touch that." she said causing me to laugh.
"So here lemme see this jacket on you." she put the jacket on which was a perfect fit and it was red which is my favorite colour.
"Ooh I love this but I do need a minor touch up on the make up if you please." I asked and she nodded grabbing her stuff.
"And girl this unit is looking amazing on you. Who installed it fa you?" she asked me referring to my blonde wig.