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📍Brooklyn, NY
Angel Nevaeh Williams | 18

After we left the station, Chris left to go hang with Hakeem and me and Sasha left to go to the mall

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After we left the station, Chris left to go hang with Hakeem and me and Sasha left to go to the mall.

We picked up some Yeezy Slides, some cute lil outfits and i got me a lemonade from Chick-fil-A.

I explained all the other shit that happened between me and Quan and how I handled it to Sash. She then took me home and went home as well.


At home I jus chilled and watched some Love and Hiphop. It was getting a lil late and then i remembered that Lo was supposed to be taking me somewhere.

"Damn, what time is it?" I looked on my phone and checked the time.

"SHIT ITS 8pm! Looooo." I exclaimed.

4 missed calls from Bae💍

I called Lo back and I received no answer.

Fuck. I know this nigga mad at me.

But then somebody knocked on the door and I wasn't expecting nobody cus my momma was out of town for 3 weeks and Shani was staying at her friend house.

I walked up to the door and it was Lo holding two bags of Popeyes.

"Babe, i'm so sorry i- "Don't sweat it bae. Chris called and told me everything that happened today." Lorenzo cut me off.

"He did?" I said smiling.

"Yeah, that's why i bought you ya fav." Lorenzo said handing me a bag.

"A 6 piece, some Cajun fries, A spicy chicken sandwich and a mac and cheese side with my drank." I said excited. Lorenzo nodded and smiled.

"Thanks baby. You the best." I said putting the food down and giving him a hug and a kiss.

Lorenzo always knew how to make me feel better. 

We ate the food and finished watching love and hiphop while cuddling on the couch.

"You aight baby? Everything that happened today must've triggered something right?" Lorenzo asked leaning his head on mine.

"Yeah, it was hard in the beginning. Especially after the bathroom thing." I said hugging his stomach.

"What bathroom thing?" He asked.

Shit. I forgot I hadn't told anybody else the shit that happened today with Daquan except Sha.

So I told him everything. From me punching Quan, to him pulling a gun out on me and me walking over to the gun daring him to shoot me.

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