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The hot tub was nice and warm. Yet it felt a lil cold being all by myself here. Ever since we got on the flight to LA, I realized I fucked up telling Angel to take shit easy with me.
Truth be told, I was scared. Not that she would hurt me, but that another thing would come in between us.
I also wanted her to sweat a lil fa me. And even though it's only been a couple of days, I feel like she forreal going through it.
The way she been staring at me all day, shows me how much she misses me. So it stung a lil when she said she wanted to go to bed instead of join me here in the hot tub.
But to be honest, I don't blame her. Cause it's like I'm tryna make it even harder on her, which I should really not be doing.
I just am not used to being fought for like this. I'm usually the one quote on quote chasing for her.
But I feel like she been feeling like fighting for me for months now, ever since she found out about my meds.
Which I appreciated, but the whole KC shit threw me off.
But then again, she killed Daquan to save my life. Even though she wasn't on none of that.
I didn't know what to think. What I did know, was that she wasn't the only one struggling with wanting to kiss the other person.
Everytime I see her, all I want is for her to be in my arms. For her to kiss me with those soft sweet lips. And make love to her like never before.
But I brought this on to myself. Now I gots to see it through to the end.
In the midst of me sulking, I heard soft footsteps come from the corner and then I saw it was Angel walking in with a baby blue bikini and her curls in a cute lil bun.
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