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Lorenzo Amari Phillips | 20
Location: English Class

The teacher was talking but my mind was rewinding everything that happened last night.

I was so pissed. I wanted to kill that nigga KC. But most of all I was mad at Angel for believing this nigga in the first place.

For meeting up with him after I told her I didn't like her talking to him.


I was hurt. That she even thought I would do something like that. 

That's why I lied to her. I wanted to hurt her feelings cus I'm sick and tired of constantly trying to prove to her that she can trust me.

I'm sick of constantly getting my mistakes thrown in my face. If she want me to be a asshole, she can get it.

But it ain't gon be fun. And I'm really not tryna be that nigga.

I love her so much. But love only goes so far.

I glanced over to the back when I saw her wearing all black like me but her hoodie was up.

My natural instincts is to check up on her but I'ma let her feel before I even talk to her cus she pissed me off.

"Alright class I will be handing out your graded testst. I have to say I'm surprised of some of your results." the teacher said.

"Here you go Mr. Phillips." she said before handing out my test with a D- on it.

"Shit." I mumbled.

"Here you go Miss Williams. Excellent job." she said handing Angel a test with and A+ on it.

Of course she'd pass the test. She studied.

I had been too busy with choreographing a piece to please HER that I forgot about this fucking test.

And yet still her ass got the guts to ask me if I'm cheating on her.

I got up and took my stuff cus the bell had rang. I made my way out the class fast cus I wasn't tryna see her or nothing.

I already had to go to dance and see her then so I just wanted to get it over with.

So I made my way to my car and hopped in to go to the dance studio.


Angel Nevaeh Williams | 19
Location: Outside

It was time to head to dance but I didn't want to see Lorenzo and Kennedy.

My mind still couldn't understand why he did what he did. And the worst part is that he wasn't even sorry.

I didn't want to be near him cus I didn't know who he was. He damn sure wasn't the nigga I fell for.

I ain't have my car today and most of the times I would ride with Lo to dance but, y'all know.

So I called the one nigga I never thought I'd call.

"Hey can you come get me?" I spoke into the phone.

"Yeah fasho." he replied and then I hung up.

Bout 10 minutes passed and he pulled up in the parking lot.

"Nigga what took you so long?" I said as I got in the passenger seat.

"My bad shorty. I had to run a errand." KC replied.

Yeah I know. Shut up.

"Aye but don't you got dance now?" he asked as he pulled out the parking garage.

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