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📍 New York City, NY
Lorenzo Amari Phillips | 20

📍 New York City, NYLorenzo Amari Phillips | 20

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She betta not leave me on read again

Angel please just pick up.
Why you ghosting me still?
I see you reading my texts just reply or call me back.
Please baby. Don't lemme beg.
Read @ 12.00pm

''Fuck.'' I screamed and threw my phone on the floor.

''You good fam?'' King and Ta'Sean came in the room.

''Yeah I'm straight.'' I said picking my phone back up.

''Nah bro this shit is not straight.'' Tae chuckled looking at my phone.

''Damn Angel still ghosting you?'' King asked lounging on my bed.

''Why you saying it like that bruh?'' Tae said looking King sideways.

''Like what nigga?'' He asked confused.

''So insensitive mufucker.'' Tae raised his voice and I laughed cus they was bout to argue.

''It's aight.'' I chuckled.

''But yeah she not talking to me and I don't know what to do.'' I sighed.

''Nigga go over there.'' Tae said.

''Y'all don't know how she is bruh. She gon ignore me standing there and make me feel bad.''  I explained.

''You sho?'' King said and I nodded.

''But fuck that. Wassup with y'all?'' I changed the subject.

''Me and Tazhé doing good or whateva.'' Tae smiled a bit.

''Damn, nigga happy as fuck look at em.'' King mocked and I laughed too.

''Let him be. He in love fa real.'' I dapped Tae up.

''Oh word? Tazhé yo bitch?'' King asked.

''Nah brotha. She my woman.'' He half smiled and I dapped him up louder shaking his shoulder cus I was proud.

''Yeah tell em wassup.'' I exclaimed.

''But what about you tho?'' Tae grabbed my basketball and started dribbling.

''Yeah wassup with you and Riah?'' I interjected.

He huffed and rubbed his hand over his face.

''Mane that shit all over the place dawg.'' he said and we was confused.

''What happened cuh?'' I asked.

''So you know that post she made last night on the gram right?'' Tae nodded as King explained.

''And how I commented that if she acted right she would be my girl fasho?'' King reminded and King nodded.

''Aight so my ex replied on my comment.'' he continued.

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