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You locked eyes with him. It has only been a week since you last saw him, and it felt like you've been avoiding him for months now.

His hair was a bit messier than usual today, his shades was resting on his head, with his one hand on the wheel. He was staring at you with a raised eyebrow, waiting for you to go inside but you stood still in your spot.

You ignored him and continued walking like you didn't see him. The car beside you slowly drove on your side, so you tightened your grip on the sling of your bag and looked straight ahead.

"Hey. Y/N." you heard him call you playfully, and you wanted to answer him sarcastically but you didn't. You remembered how he basically accused you of sleeping with Megumi like he knew you too well. It pissed you off again. You don't want to see his asshole of a face right now.

He continued, "Let's talk, Y/N. Why are you mad?" he asked with a slight smirk playing on his lips. You scoffed silently, how dare he demands and acts like he doesn't know what he did. Trying to make me feel like I was overeacting. The smirk on his lips dropped when he saw your face.

"Can we just... please?" he added with a sigh, which was unusual of him. Satoru Gojo, pleading? Huh.

You gritted your teeth, not convinced at how he took everything lightly. You wanted to tell him how much his words hurt you. How his actions hurt you... but you can't. He didn't seem to care as much as you did.

Were you making a big deal out of this, or is he just an asshole who doesn't have feelings?

You'd just look like a whining fool to someone who's only looking for fun if u did complain to him about it.

It has been minutes since he started following you and you can't take it anymore. This man always pushes you to your limit that you swear that he is a literal manchild that would lose your mind.

The annoyance on your face was evident as you let out an exasperated sigh. You narrowed your eyes and snapped your head towards his direction. He stopped the car, probably surprised that you finally looked his way.

"Stop following me." you said in a low and calm voice. Not wanting to talk to him any further, you walked away and wanted nothing but to be at home right now. Away from this man.

You heard the car door close but you never looked back. "Woah. Y/N, wait up!" he shouted but you picked up your pace. You have to get away from him as quickly as possible. Your legs were not helping as you speed walked, so your wrist got easily snatched, which made you quickly pull your hand back instinctively.

He immediately let go of you when you pulled your wrist back. You craned your neck at him, and saw how bewildered he was. Why is he surprised at how I act towards him? Did he really think I would be happy after what he said to me?

"Satoru. Please." it was as if you were talking to a kid, and he just stood in front of you with his arms hanging on his side. "Why are you so mad?" he chuckled like it was all a joke to him. He gave you a confused look, with a smile playing on his lips, completely oblivious to your feelings.

"I'm done..." you mumbled under your breath and was about to turn your back on him but he spoke. "You're what?" he asked loudly, leaning closer to you, but not taking another step forward.

You avoided his gaze and inhaled deeply, not knowing what to say. The words just came out of your mouth and you know you don't mean it. You want to ignore him now, but being done with him is not something you're sure of. He knows that, which makes it even worse.

"I'll make sure you're not." he said that made you glance at him. You furrowed your eyebrows, shifting your weight on your other leg with your arms crossed. "What—"

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