Uncle Will

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I was getting stronger each day

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I was getting stronger each day. For one I didn't have this massive need to always be around my dad anymore. Two I was starting at a new school it's right by the district. I wasn't happy I had to leave my friends but I couldn't go back not after what happened. I wore a jacket over my sports bra having just come from the gym. I walk into the hospital looking around. "You alright Bailey" I smile nodding at Maggie "total fine looking for uncle Will his not replying to my messages" I lean on the desk "it's been a week a week to long" she laughs I see Connor walking by "hey Connor" he doesn't say anything "dr Rhodes" I exclaim causing him to turn around he smiles "hey Bailey" he walks over "I wanted to say I'm sorry for the other week I know I kinda freaked you out" "it's ok you weren't in the right headspace" he waves off he was my uncles best friend so of course his like another uncle "Will know about all that money" I glance at him "still don't know how you found out but yes" he rolled his eyes leading me through the Ed to their break room opening the door for me "I'm a detectives daughter I have my ways oh on the plus side Hank told me I'm better than Ruzek and sometimes dad so hey I must be good" he laughs and I also hear another laugh making me turn around "you have been ignoring me uncle Will I feel neglected" "where does your dad think you are" "with Adam but I walked away" I shrug as he rolls his eyes to my response. I sit down making myself comfortable on the couch. "I should call him" Will mumbles "don't I don't think he knows yet" I shrug making him smile "Adam won't tell him straight away he will try find me first probably ask Kevin to help" Connor smiles at me sitting down beside me "missed my favourite spitfire you need to come around more" he exclaimed making me laugh "I have missed my favourite red hair uncle and crazy rich uncle" they laugh "how have you been kiddo" Will asks making me look at him from my spot on the couch leaning against Connor "I'm good still have the nightmares but I'm good changing schools can be alone without freaking out" I shrug smiling.

I had stayed with Will and Connor until their shift was over. I walk beside Will out of the hospital. "I messaged your dad" "I figured" I smile shrugging as we make it to her car. I get in the passenger seat without hesitation "do you want me to drop you off at home or should we go get food and go to mine" I smile looking at him as he begins to drive "food" he laughs "your a lot like you dad you know that" I roll my eyes "so I have been told" he laughs

I lay on the couch my head in my uncles lap. "I know you said your ok but how is it at home" I look up at him confused "why would you ask that" "your here you usually leave by now" I sigh "it's fine" "ok whatever you say" he sighs stroking my hair.

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