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Secrets are what strengthen and break a person

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Secrets are what strengthen and break a person. Belle and I hadn't exactly addressed what happened on the bleachers. We were living in a weird in between of happiness. We were running a secret operation to figure if my dad and Hailey are together well Belle was dad will hesitate for long time. I'm working on Adam and Kim. I was sitting in the car behind Hailey and Kim much to my unhappiness. To explain Adam and Kim picked me up the plan was to take me to the station like normal. No someone had to get killed Adam and Hailey swapped for some reason I don't know, I'm playing nice. We or should I say they are watching a house. "Can't we walk the streets we could pretend your my gay mothers" I couldn't hear the rest of the team but knew they could hear me and the girls could hear them. "Unfortunately no" Kim said making me groan laying across the back seat. "How long does this usually take" "sometimes hours it varies" Hailey answered causing me to sigh. "In that case how bout some girl talk" I lean forward causing Kim to glance at me with a raised eye brown before turning back to the house. "How Ruzek works with you I will never know" "I do most of it I notice things before most people Mouse trained me that way" "what" Hailey said clearly confused "we would play hide and seat on the cameras he would locate something say it's night time and a person wearing all black hoodie with a tiny strange of blonde hair he would tell me to find the blond hair and slowly over time I got fast and fast so when I see a flash from the corner of my eye both eyes look at it before bouncing back. In that half a second I notice I usually see the car or the person before Adam and tell him" they nod "kev to" I glance between the two girls "I use to do it to Al when I was younger not realising...not sure about you two" they nod smiling "well then I'm not prepared to make you beat me" Hailey said "me either" I laugh "they didn't want it it kinda just happened...think it's why Addy just gave up because without fail I would notice before him every time I can also hack into things" they nod "so Kim how is Addy" she laughs "what" Hailey asks looking between the two of us "oh Kim and Addy have been hanging out a lot" i answer "you know I could get it out of him just like I could get what's going on with you and dad out of dad but I thought I would be nice and ask" "or Play a game" Hailey said "dad tell you that" I said smirking "just know I always will and there someone entering your house" "how" Kim said in shock glancing between me and the house "you weren't even looking at the house" I shrug getting out of the car and walking over ignoring the girls calls for me to come back.

"Excuse me" he turns around "I'm sorry I was dropped off down the block" I glance at my phone which has who owns the property, I press call on my dads number putting it in my pocket hoping he would answer. "Ronald lived around here I'm friends with his girlfriend Tori we were meant to hang out...I just got off training and I think I'm a bit lost she said I could wait at his she's running late something about shopping" "that girl and her shopping" the guy said as moves glancing down the drive. I knew my dad would be pissed. "well his not around judging by his car being there" "car always there" he looks at me funny "sorry I'm nosy and Tori always talks about his mustang guess I'm just disappointed I won't get to see it" he smile "it is a cool car want to come inside" he said unlocking the front door "no sorry I don't know you I know of Ronald because of Tori but your just some guy I met on the street" "if only more girls were street smart like you" I smile gleefully "maybe more kids would me alive" "Piper" he looks confused "my name is Piper tell Tori I stopped by" "oh Mathew you know Zoe" I smile "yeah I went to school with her once upon a time" he looks confused "stuffed happened I changed school" Zoe was a cheerleader smart had the whole world at her feet if her dad hadn't killed someone. "I'm going to walk back call my brother to pick me up hoping my dad doesn't find out" I spin start walking the wrong way "Piper" I turn looking at him "It's that way and Zoe has been going through a rough time" he glances around passing me a paper. I nod walking back down the street almost getting hit by a truck, I jump back. The door opens I gasp realising it's my dad as he pulls my phone out pocketing it. He opens the back door "get in" he demanded when I don't move. I stare at him not moving he lets go of the door moving to stand right in front of me. He grabs my chin forcing me to look at him "you need to first loose the attitude your already in enough trouble your lucky I don't lock you in the cage before coming back" he snapped "second you need to get in the truck" he shoved me in the backseat before I can blink. I gasp as he handcuffs me to the door staring at my hand bewildered. He always threatened to handcuff me to keep me somewhere but he never actually did it till now. It's kinda tight as well. He slams the door before getting in and driving. I just stare at the tight handcuff on my wrist with tears in my eyes. I never thought he would actually do it, I always just thought it was some threat. I could tell Adam in the passenger seat didn't know what to do he kept glancing between us but I didn't acknowledge either of them my eyes on the handcuffs. My eyes widen as I realise the small paper was still in my hand. I quietly unwrap it, I hand kinda scrunched it up a bit.

She needs help not missing #**

I quietly place it in my pocket trying to work out if I should call the phone number. What on earth the message meant. One thing I knew for sure I wasn't going to give this to my dad or his unit. The only one I trust is Belle but it's not like my dad would let me just wonder off and see her now. I sigh leaning back.

Dad had actually hand cuffed my other hand and dragged me through the garage dumping me in the tech room "now do I have to handcuff your leg to the pole or will you stay" I look away not answering I wasn't going to talk. He sigh just walking out slamming his door on his way out. Leaving me totally and utterly alone. The handcuffs hurt but I could still move my hand. The first thing I did was memorise the phone number before I because searching Zoe on the computer.

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