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I had felt lost

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I had felt lost. I hadn't spoken to anyone really, other than my dad of course. I didn't know what to do now that I couldn't vent about my life with him. I had stared at a photo of me and him for hours on end. I now carried it around with me ever since. Touching when I need any sort of comfort. I also sometimes talk to it pretending he can hear me. I hadn't really left my room since I came home that day, barely going to school at the moment.

I walk into the living room sighing. I didn't know if I even wanted to leave my room but I knew he wouldn't want me to hide away, I knew my dad was worried. I didn't want to worry him. "Hey your dad said you weren't coming out" I froze I don't look at her "are you ok do you want to talk about it" I shake my head sighing walking towards the kitchen. I could hear her move closer as I got a water. "You made us all worried when you stopped talking" I just stare at her "I know how much Adam meant to you I know how close you two were so if you need anyone just know I'm here" I slam the cup on the counter "is this apart of some sick joke" she was shocked. I may have been to hash but I couldn't go back now. "My big brother my best friend gets ripped from me and you think it's a good time to try and get close to me" she didn't know what to do. She just stared at me in shock. My dad walks in I can tell he heard "ley" he said carefully "dad" I hug him he holds me tight "you know she didn't mean that right" he said to me "she's not trying to take Adams place" "of course she is from the day I met her she wants to be my best friend because she likes you dad and she knows I'm a deal breaker with you she's smart" I smile he just sighs rubbing my back. We all knew that I was taking my anger for the situation out on her. I knew I shouldn't but I couldn't help it. She just pushes to hard. "Im going to go out need some air" "I would think so you haven't left your room in a week" my dad said smirking at me I just shrug "keep your phone on and call if you need" I nod in response, he kisses my head holding me tight before I walk out the door. I could hear him telling hailey that I didn't mean it but she didn't believe him. I ran down the steps and out the front before they started professing their love.

"Bailey what are you doing here" Kelly said as him and Matt come down from the roof they were sitting on. "I needed to get out" they nod by now everyone probably knew about about or the general idea. "How bout we go inside" Matt said as Kelly wraps his arm around me. "Bai" Cruz shouts out making everyone aware that I'm here. However before he or anyone can move arms are around me knocking me out of Kelly's arms. Black curly hair is all over my face, arms holding me tight "Stella don't kill her before anyone else can hug her" I laugh as she lets me go standing back. She throws her hair back tying it back. I barely have to time to do anything before I'm in Sylvies arms and Cruz's and before I know it I have hugged everyone in the house. They don't care. I can be running around laughing with them or just sitting on the couch with Mouch they don't care. They don't ask questions they are just there. "Have we won you over yet" I laugh hearing Otis ask that. Him Herman cruz Sylvie Stella occasionally others but mainly them are trying to convince me to become a firefighter or a paramedic. I shake my head "nope still a cop but it is definitely above becoming a doctor like uncle Will always asks he wants me to same as Con but he doesn't want me to go to med school and have all that debt...truth be told I think he just wants to beat my dad. Dad knows how much I want to be a cop like him always tells everyone" "oh we know why do you think we are so hell bent on making you a firefighter" Herman said making me laugh. Oh how it feels good to laugh. I haven't laughed since the morning Adam got taken. Adam had taken me to breakfast like he did every Tuesday. We laughed so much I started to cry. Now who am I meant to have breakfast with. After I snapped at her and how hard she pushes I can promise it's not hailey. "What you been up to girly" Stella asks sitting beside me putting one arm around me. "Nothing just been at home" I shrug.

I had stayed at the firehouse for a little bit before they got a call and had to go. I didn't feel like staying there any longer. I had messaged my dad the whole time. I stare up at the building sighing I go around the back climbing the fire escape before climbing through a window. I turn his alarm off before laying on his bed falling asleep cuddled in his sheets.

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