My Life

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I had soccer practice

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I had soccer practice. I walked to the oval after school for training. I was tired and sweaty wearing my club jacket over my sports bra, and matching sport shorts. I walk towards the car with my duffle over my shoulder, throwing the bag on the floor of the car before getting in myself. "Hey girl how was training" "exhausting" I sigh leaning back into the chair causing him to laugh "where Addy" "what I'm not good enough" "of course you are kev Addy and I just have a system we stop and get cake and coffee on our way back" "I always wondered why it took you both so long" I laugh "you know your the only one to call him Addy" I smile nodding "his the only one to call me Frank it's our thing he complained for like a week about Addy being a girls name before he remembered my middle name is Frankie so I became his Frank and he is my Addy" he smile "girl we need nicknames" "well my dad and Will call me Ley everyone calls me Bai you could call my Ailie (pronounced I-Lee) ohh I like that" I smile "Kim is going to have hurry up if she wants one I'm running out of name" he laughs "what can I call you Vin Evi" "you want to call me Evi" I laugh nodding "oh now I definitely do" he laugh "hey if your Frank" "I'm only Frank to Adam" I point out "I'm going to call you Freddy" I look at him confused "the first time I came over you were watching nightmare on elm street and laughing with Adam" I smile "also you can be a little psycho" I laugh "I like to think I got it from my dad" I say as we walk up the steps "got what from me" my dad asks "my psycho side" I shrug "Frank" Adam cheers throwing his arms up like I'm the answer to everything "Addy" I exclaim with the same cheerfulness jumping into his arms allowing him to spin me around "anyone would think you hadn't seen each other for months" we laugh "I'm not psycho" my dad exclaims clearly not over it "maybe you have been hanging out with Voight to much" he adds making me laugh "I have alway hung out with him but I'm not psycho" "you and Adam were planning a murder last week" Hailey exclaims "you also laugh at people getting injured in horror movies" Kevin points out making me pout "you also don't even react when you walk past it into the room where someone is getting beaten" Kim points out "doesn't make me psycho" I throw my hands up making them all laugh. "How was training Ley" my dad asks wrapping his arm around my shoulder as I walk over to him. "It was good you still coming to the game right" "wouldn't miss it"I smile "I wouldn't miss it either Frank" Adam adds from his desk "sure Addy" "what about the rest of you you guys want to come" I look around at them "I'll be there if that's ok" Hailey said glancing between my dad and I. She's super weird I don't know how to explain it, it's like she tries to hard one second and the next she doesn't care at all. "Im always there kiddo I'll make it mandatory for intelligence to go" Hank said pulling me to him causing me to laugh. "You guys don't have to" "it's semi finals of course we are coming" he exclaimed making me smile in delight truth was I never had anyone there for a whole game. My dad always came sure but if a case popped he sometimes had to leave and come back. But he never missed it. Adam had been to one game but he left to get food and got bored so he never came again.

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