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I walk beside my boyfriend

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I walk beside my boyfriend. Yes I have a boyfriend I kept it hidden from my family. It was still new. He asked me out and have been treating me perfectly, fairly certain that would change after he met my protective first responder family. Connor and Will knew but only briefly they don't know much. I think my dad knew as well but he kept it quiet. Dad always figured things out.

We walk down the halls of school his arm around me holding me close. "I want to take you on a date after your training" I smile "I would love that" he nods goofily "my wife" Belle shouts we were in the same class so we hadn't seen each other in what feels like forever. I jump out of Jacobs arms and into belles both of us laughing. I step back and Jacob instantly wraps his arms around d me protectively pulling me to him. "Jacob" "Belle" they nod at each other. Belle doesn't like him but keeps it buried staying polite for the benefit of me. Jacob I don't know how he feels about Belle he never talks about her or anything revolving around her. "So you going to soccer right" I nod smiling "yep dad finally relented" I smile gleefully Belle laughs jumping with glee. We were a pair anyone could see that and we play better with the other beside us. "Then after we are going on a date" Jacob said leaning down and kissing my forehead Belle looks worried but covers it quickly nodding "what about your dad" Belle asked "don't worry about him" Jacob answered for me "coming from the guy who hasn't met him" Belle snaps "I was actually going to ask if you could cover for me" she sighs rubbing her face "please" "ok but if your not back by 12 at the latest I'm calling him" she knew I hated being out at night. I had seen all the bad things it just. The what hides in the dark scares me. "12 come on Belle that's so early" Jacob exclaims dramatically throwing his arms up. "No that's late enough" I told him not wanting to be out later "but I won't have time to shower you in all the love you deserve" "you have three hours Jacob" Belle snaps clearly not happy with something.

I was laughing as i sit by the water beside Jacob. He leans over laughing pulling me towards him. "You are the most important thing to me" I smile at him I couldn't bring myself to say anything if the sort back.

He took me to his nice mansion. I was laying in on his bed him above me when his maid barges into the room. The only muscle he moves is to turn his head to scowl at her "leave Marta" he shouts making me and her jump in fright. I wished he would have just rolled off. Marta leaves in a hurry. I push him off and stand up. I go to leave only for him to grab my wrist. He roughly pulls me "not yet" he kissing me again pulling me on top of him as he does so. "I have to go Jake" he smirks groaning. It was dark out I just wanted to go home. "Soon baby soon" he doesn't let me go so I relax into him kissing him right back.

I had been an hour. I stand up "I have to go" I put my shirt over my head. "No baby" "if I don't my dad will show up with his entire squad I suggest you let me leave now" I demand strongly I wasn't backing down this time. "Fine be that way" I instantly felt bad I wanted to stay but I couldn't I knew I couldn't. I sigh grabbing my phone keys and purse before storming out. If I don't leave now I won't leave. I have to get to belles.

I knock on the door pacing as I wait. "Starting to think you weren't going to make it" she said "where is everyone" "there a hit or something I don't know" she welcomed me in her home. I sit on the couch making me comfortable. "He didn't hurt you did he" I shake my head "he didn't he was nothing but lovely" "don't get what you see in him his a dick and that's the end of my hate speech I will leave it alone now" I smile leaning my head on her. Both of us laying together against each other "you deserve the world after everything and nothing short of that...I just want to insure you get that especially after everything you have been through" I kiss her cheek as she relaxes against me.

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