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I smile at the man at the desk before taking the lift up

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I smile at the man at the desk before taking the lift up. I walk the halls with an extra pep in my step. I could feel it today was going to be a good day. I knock rhythmically on the door. "What are you doing here" he spat clearly not happy by my presence. "Well I brought food" I hold the bag up "also I haven't seen my grandfather in forever thought I would make sure your still alive and haven't died on us" I smirk "although I'm pretty sure uncle Will might mention something like that his always here" "you going to come in or just keep talking at the door" I sigh walking in dumping the bag on the table beside the chair he sat on. "So I have been shot at raped many times beaten to death but I'm all good how have you been" i exclaim sitting down "not surprised following your dad around like you did" he scoffs opening the bag seeing what food I had brought. "I don't like these roles" he pulls the spring rolls out passing them to me. I nod eating them as he silently eats the other food. "How did you get here" "James dropped me off" I shrug "he your boyfriend" he asked stuffing his face "no his more tears f a brother...I have a girlfriend" "you gay" he said it with so much distaste "no I don't know" "how do you not know" "feelings are are very complicated Grandpa" he scoffs "it seems simple to me" I rub my head I really didn't want to argue with him. "So what do you think of the Blackhawks this season" i attempt he grunts causing me to sigh. We finish eating in silence. "I'm going to head up to see Ronnie" he said getting up "well I'm going to head down and see Jess then" I say getting up. I would love to hug him but his not the hugging type. Jess was a girl I met at a support group dad forced me to go to.

I knock on the door tapping my foot. Jess opens the door and stares in shock. "I was visiting my ass of a grandfather and thought I would visit you" I shrug walking in. I was laying on her bed looking at pictures. "What about this one" she comes out of the closet twirling around. She had a black pinafore with a red top underneath. I shrug "it looks good" "you said that about the last three coming from the girl who wears nothing but tights, shorts and jeans with a random top" I playfully scoff "I wear skirts" "short ones that make you hot" I laugh leaning back. I had on a short black skirt with a long sleeve white cop top, I had my white converse to match my with my black backpack. I wore my wavy hair out flowing.

I had all my stuff in my backpack

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I had all my stuff in my backpack. My laptop, my phone, my writing book, pens of all colours along with highlighters, headphones, a change of clothes. "What I should join you and Belle in the short skirts" I laugh "you know your photo collages" I nod pulling them out of my bag.

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"Why do you have them" "made a new one brought the old one to make sure I didn't copy all the same photos" "can you make me one" I nod smiling "want everyone" she stares at the one of me and Belle "you guys are really cute" "the new one is if ever...

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"Why do you have them" "made a new one brought the old one to make sure I didn't copy all the same photos" "can you make me one" I nod smiling "want everyone" she stares at the one of me and Belle "you guys are really cute" "the new one is if everyone mainly Belle and you turns out Ares is like James and hates being in photos with us" she laughs "you two have had a lot of adventures" "yep more than that to that's just when we became a couple of sorts I have more at home from our childhood" she nods going to change into a short skirt. "So what are your plans today" I shrug "probably call James later to pick me up if his busy I'll call Ares probably meet up with Belle somewhere" she nods adjusting her top "can I come" "of course" I smile scrolling through my phone. "So how are you and Belle" she asks applying lips gloss and puckering her lips. "We're good" she nods "we are taking it slow I think she's scared I'll freak out....again" I roll my eyes "hey it's a miracle you can even be with her without freaking out. Me I punched Ares for touching me" I laugh as she sits in front of me. "I remember that hey at least his a gentleman if you had know the guys in our previous group of friends" I shake my head "there was like one nice guy everyone else was so mean" "he was apart of that group" "and most of the girls defended him did alit if victim blaming so Belle and I left they can do whatever without us" "James followed" "of course he followed we have known him since we were seven his my big brother" I shrug leaning back.

Jess turns music on and we were just laughing and talking, dancing around the room so carefree. In our own world. "Is your mum home" she shakes her head confused "why" "smoke" I jump up "I smell smoke" the moment later the fire alarm went off. Jess looks at me panicked. We both just look around the room frantic trying to find the source. We couldn't see the smoke we could just smell it. I run my hand through my hair before putting my bag on with all my stuff in it. "What do we do" Jess asked the unknown. I didn't even get to answer before one by one the fire alarms in the building went off. "We got to get out" "wait wait" she yelled stopping me "we go out there it becomes real" "we stay here we burn alive" I snap I rub my face trying to calm down. "Grab the important stuff photos your favourite toy us a backpack try keep it light I have room in mine if you need be quick" she nods racing away.

 "Grab the important stuff photos your favourite toy us a backpack try keep it light I have room in mine if you need be quick" she nods racing away

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