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Third Person POV

It had been a week. A whole week and Bailey has yet to wake up. Jay hadn't left her side the whole time the team and Will bringing him clothes and food whenever they could. He wasn't leaving until his princess was ok.

Kim rushes beside Adam as the make their way through the hospital. They were on their way to see Bailey when they got the call. A body had been found it had taken a couple hours but the body was identified as that of Jacob Hall. The rich kid they were looking for. The rich kid who they suspected of putting Bailey in hospital. But without Baileys word they couldn't be sure, no one else was there that day to see or hear.

Adam enters the quiet hospital room the only sound be that of the machines extract loudly startling the distraught father, Kim only two steps behind coming in with far more grace than Adam. "Jacobs dead" Adam said bluntly not wanting to beat around the bush "Homeside is looking at us" Kim said they had all made a silent agreement to keep Jay in the loop. They all knew he wasn't leaving Baileys side "can't say I'm upset the kids dead he deserves it" Jay said not taking his eyes off Bailey watching her chest rise and fall. At least she's breathing on her own right. "have to agree with you there" Adam agreed sitting down opposite the man. "They have suspects" Jay asks "all we know is that they are looking at all of us" "me and Voight we are the closest besides you but you haven't left here" Adam corrects making Kim sigh "we didn't do it we would have to have found him for that to happen" Adam complains "it was probably a Latin priest" that confused the pair "you have their princess in intelligence helping I can guarantee if you look through her phone records she spoke to someone she would have just had to tell them that Bailey was in hospital" Jay told them "my daughter here is like a daughter to Belles father like Belle is to me he would have found a name and had him hunted down...did he suffer" "there keeping us in the dark but Voight said it looked like he was tortured" "they tried to interrogate him his seen photos I imagine I'm next" "should probably start to expect them to stop by here then if they are trying to tie it to us let them" Kim and Adam were confused "if they didn't do it I would have if they waste time coming after us they are less likely to pin it on who really did it" "Jay a kid was killed" Kim said not to sure if she wanted to go along with this "Same kid who put my daughter here I'm not sorry" "his right Belles cautious so no one really knows she's the Latin princess we only know cause Bailey told us their case will go cold" Adam added "will it his a Hall they aren't going to just let it go they will want justice for their son" Kim reminds them "they will let it go when they learn what he did not wanting it to get out and tarnish their good name" Jay shrugs he knew Belle had a plan he just had to figure it out. "Tell Belle she can come down I would love to see her and I know she wants to see Ley" Jay told them if she did come maybe he could ask her get her to tell them. Even with him telling them it was a Latin priest they didn't have any evidence just jays hunch. A hunch Kim didn't know if she believed, Adam did though Belle terrifies him it wasn't that hard for him to come to terms with the fact she orchestrated a murder. "How close are you to Belle" Kim asks she had been dying to know. She had seen Hank keep the girl at a distance, Adam had this weird like and fear going on and everyone else just seemed neutral like they didn't love her or hate her. "She's like my daughter" Jay shrugs "I have known her since she was three I didn't know her dad was a Latin priest for a long time he would hide his tattoo and everything just being her dad. He use to drop her off when it got bad at home always made the excuse it was her mum but I have since found out it was always right as a gang war was kicking off she would stay with us for a couple weeks before going home again. He watched Ley here a few times to when I had a long shift after mouse went back and no one else could watch her. Probably how she met most of the Latin priest they love her like their own. I love Belle like she's my daughter she is in a sense" Jay said smiling as he thought about the two six year old girls running around the house giggling. They were always a team.

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