My Addy

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I hadn't been ok

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I hadn't been ok. Of course Hailey tried she never stops she's quiet determined. My dad he was worried but he lets me be. I usually sleep at home getting up having breakfast with my dad, he would just hold me until he had to leave. I could tell he didn't want to leave me but I didn't care. Of course hailey had been there most of the time to, I had been what's the world polite I played nice. For my dads sake I knew he hated that we didn't get along, but I couldn't she pushes to hard. I would stay at home an hour before I would go to Adams I would lay in his bed watching tv. I would stay there until after dinner before coming home, dad usually try's to pick me up on his way home. He had figured out this is where I was going, don't know how nor do I have the energy to care. My dad is also making me go see dr Charles tomorrow uncle Will is apparently going to escort me so I don't run off. Truth was dr Charles couldn't help only my Addy could.

I heard a car pull up. I sit up on his bed just listening. I heard people talking and the voices getting closer causing me to get up "listen dog there's something I should warn you" I knew that voice "Bai hasn't been good...she's probably inside jays been picking her up on his way home we don't know how she gets in" "the fire escape window franks the only one who knows is she ok" his voice. I ran out of the room and down the steps leaving his apartment door opened. I ran down to see them both listening to walkie-talkie. I open the door and wrap my arms around him. I felt him step back, before holding me tight. I felt tears falling, my body starting to shake. Im pushed back kneeling down "I'm here Frank I'm right here" he nods wiping my eyes "I'm sorry" Kevin said gesturing to whatever came over the radio. "Go we'll be fine" Adam said as he stood back up holding me close. I felt Kevin squeeze my shoulder before he ran off. Adam led me inside and back up to his apartment. "I have been kinda living here" I say "Kev told me" he sat me on the couch before sitting beside me "how you doing" "better now that your here" I say I lean my head on his chest "want to tell me about it I have missed my Frank talks" I smile a true small, the first one since the beginning of all this. "My dads worried" "I can imagine your an annoying person" I slap his arm "I didn't talk to anyone in fact the first time I did was snapping at dads mistress a week ago" "she still pushing" I nod "she also made out that she could replace you" I sit up looking at him "but your my Addy" he smiles his stupid goofy smile that I have missed more than anything. "I have been a mess" I confess making me sigh "I couldn't handle not being able to talk to my Addy all the time" he pulls me forward kissing my head. "Im not going anywhere" I smile hugging him just enjoying his company.

Adam was giving me a piggy back ride through the park. Dad said I didn't have to go to school until after Dr Charles unless I wanted to. He has been back four days and I had basically attached myself to him. He taps my leg making me jump down. "Im going to get a drink" I point to the van not to far from us "you want anything" "water" I nod walking off. I had a smoothie and a water in my hand. I was skipping back to Adam but froze when seeing Adam arrest someone. "Addy what are you doing you can't just arrest random people" he shows me a bag of drugs. I didn't know what to do. I pull out my phone dialling a number "Sargent Platt" "aunt Trudy" I just the right distance that Adam can't here "I need you to come to the park Adam" "what's going on" I stare at the scene before me confused "he his trying to arrest someone" I had tears in my eyes "I'll be there soon" I sat on a nearby bench just watching. I couldn't bare to go closer Addy was so demanding, and the man was begging me to help.

Officers were everywhere. They took the guy away "you alright kiddo" I slowly nod Trudy she sighs getting up. "What were you thinking this could jeopardise your case" I knew there would be a hearing but the way Trudy said it made it sound much worse. "I was thinking that he was dealing near a playground near Frank" "you been drinking" "what no Jay would kill me if I drank around Frank" I see Trudy walking back towards his car "his lying aunt Trudy" "what" "about the drinking he hasn't while I have been with him but there are bottles at his place and I can smell it" she walks over to me "he scared me I didn't know what to do. I don't want to loose him either" she hugs me "how bout I take you to see your dad" I nod slowly I don't want to leave Addy I just got him back. "Hey why don't you go home I'm going to take Bailey back to the district" I wanted to run up and hug him. It was meant to be a Bailey Adam day of exciting experiences. But here I was running away "I'll take her back with me it's fine we are having a day of exciting adventures" "do you know how confused scared she is she doesn't know why you acted like that why the man was begging for her to help...she may be sixteen and hear about but she's never seen an arrest especially not one done by someone she holds so dearly. She's only seen the occasional person walk through intelligence but she hasn't seen that...I'm taking her back to her dad" he sighs glancing at me sending me a weak smile. Trudy walks over "ready to go Bai" "thank you" she looks at me confused as we get into her car "for making out it was your decision that you were forcing me to come" "didn't think you would want him to know that you wanted to go see your dad" "please don't tell dad about him drinking he wasn't with me it was probably from the night before and if you tell dad he won't let me see Adam again" "kid your dad needs to know" tears build up in my eyes at the thought of never seeing him again. "How bout I only tell Hank for the minute if you promise to call if he gets worse also know I'm going to be watching" "no doubt Hank would be as well" "oh Hank is definitely going to punch him for hurting and putting his favourite granddaughter in danger" Trudy said making me laugh knowing just how true it would be.

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