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Dad was busy working the case

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Dad was busy working the case. I was alone in the apartment with Will. Dad had brought me here having enough of Hailey trying to prosecute his daughter. I wasn't allowed to leave due to the active investigation. There were cops on the block watching all the exits. That was Hanks orders he knew that even if I did run I would call him I never drop off for to long, it was more for the fact that the vice lords now knew the truth to protect me. Dad made sure I was never alone he didn't even want to leave I practically forced him out the door. Work was the last place he wanted to be right now, he was having massive problems with hailey. The woman claimed to love him but she prosecutes his daughter he wasn't talking to her unless it had to do with the case even then it was minimal. Adam told me Hailey has been following him around like a lost puppy. Adam and I talk every day, Hank has actually gotten mad at us for FaceTiming multiple times. Each time Adam claims he can't work without my presence. Dad did say he left me at home he doesn't want to hear me everywhere, that made me laugh.

I walk into the living room holding a book. I scream throwing the book at Will. He groans as the thick book hits him. He looks confused "you knew I was here" "but you move so quietly I didn't expect you to just pop up from behind the counter" I say I sigh "I'm sorry" I rush over checking him "are you ok that's a big book" he looks at the book "I'm fine I'm fine maybe just a bruises what you reading" "some book on blood splatter I was trying to distract my mind" he nods standing up rubbing his shoulder I back up sighing. I rush to pick up the book leaving the room I can't even remember what I was going to get. I pick my phone up calling the person I always talk to. "Hello" I glance behind me "I need you to jailbreak me" "why" "I just assaulted my uncle he says it's going to be fine his a doctor so I trust his judgment but he doesn't fight back and he has like no meat on his bones so it's going to kill...he" "Frank" he cut me off making me stop "breath I was going to tell you your on speaker but you just started rambling" I gasp "everyone just heard" ok now I'm silently freaking out "that you just assaulted Will what happened" Dad asked "I walked into the living room kitchen and he just popped up out of nowhere where did he learn to walk so quietly" "you walk pretty quiet to you scare me at least once a day" Adam said I didn't have to see him to know he was shrugging "Addy you are the easiest person on the planet to scare it's a miracle your a cop" I giggle out I hear others laughing in the background "she's not wrong" Kevin said "she probably has like ninja training from jay or mouse when she was little they both move quietly" he added "I didn't give my child ninja training" Dad groans out "mouse did we played cops and robbers we were both the robbers or I think we called it supervillains and ninjas or something anyway we crept around" I say smiling "of course you did" Dad said probably rolling his eyes causing me to laugh. "They have to work Bailey" "but I'm the best distraction" I mock "your better in person" I gasp "at least they still work" I sigh knowing it's very true. "Ok fine I will go spend time with my uncle who I haven't spoken to in ages" "your been with him for like a week" my dad exclaimed "I haven't been in the mood to talk thinking you got someone killed does that to a person" "you and Ruzek talk everyday" Hank adds "his my Addy I always talk to him and he rings me to help when his stuck" "way to throw me under the bus" Adam exclaims "it's not like they didn't already know that I was doing most of it anyways" I snap making them laugh "bye love most of you" I hung up sighing.

"Will" "Bai" he said back mimicking my tone, causing me to smile. "What do you want" "your favourite niece can't spend time with her favourite uncle" "I'm your only uncle there's no other option" "haven't you heard I got uncle Kelly...uncle Ethan...uncle Addy...uncle Kev although Addy is more of a brother same with Kev" I rub my face he laugh shoving me "am I a monster Will" "no you just had a lot of bad things happen to you" he makes me look at him "Bailey I see a lot of bad things I see dr Charles try to mend people everyday and I can say that you are the strongest person I have ever met. You able to get past the pain and torture once and you will get through it again. You have this fire in you from the moment you were born. I saw it when I met you when you were three following your dad around like you were his shadow" I smile "I worried about you a lot" I look at him confused "I was away in New York I knew Jay had ptsd and then mouse moved in. I just I was worried about you Jay told me how you didn't want to leave him not even when he slept I was so worried he would hurt you I even offered to take you but then I saw you with him I knew you weren't going to leave either of them. I also knew you made them see the light you were their sunshine. They were your means of survival and your were their sunshine." I smile hanging on to his every word "Find that fiery girl in there the one who gave jay and mouse hell when she didn't agree or just straight up live the word no" I laugh "and I would stamp my foot" I say he nods "you knew what you wanted from the beginning at first it a was all jay but then you discovered other things you loved maybe not as much but you loved them. You made sure everyone knew. You forced jay to go to every soccer game...I think he would have gone regardless but you made sure he wouldn't miss it. He was late once and you refused play even after he got there. He tried to get you to play but you weren't having any of it" I rub my neck "he got there after the game started...who told you" I knew he wouldn't "mouse told Erin she didn't know who you were asked me wanted to know if Jay was keeping something from her of course I didn't say" I nod "I met her not as dads daughter but as a friend of hanks friend she was at his house my dad was undercover and I went there" he nods "surprised she didn't figure it out" "I think she did she kept saying how I looked like someone close to her and comments like that but she wanted me to say first" "but you won't say" I nod "only dad can" I remind him of the rule dad came up with ages ago. I could only tell people my real name if it's absolutely necessary. Every other time lie. "Your strong Bai way stronger than you think the strongest person I know" I needed to hear that "you will get through this and only come out stronger" I lean against him hugging him "thank you I needed that more than you know" he just smiles "I know we don't talk much but I am always here. I always want to know what's going on with you and your life. I love watching you play soccer seeing how much you love it. You play with every fibre in your being. I love watching all the cool tricks you can do in cheer" I smile not leaving his arms "you are the best thing that happened to your dad you know this. But you are also the best thing that happened to me, I'm sure Adam and Voight will say that to" "maybe not Hank he had Justin and a grandson" I look up at him to see him giving me a deadpanned look. "Anyone can see you have a massive impact on all of them. Voight had lost his grandson not permanently but he moved away" "I'm his grandchild" I finish making Will nod "told me take me to the silos if I ever call him grandpa but he has said I'm his grandchild more than once" he laughs "he also gives amazing hugs" "that I don't know if I wanted to know" I laugh "you and Adam have this bond" I laugh "his my partner in crime" Will nods "you and him don't have to speak to just know...your his secret" I laugh "he does always call me to help...with hacking stuff" Will nods "Hank actually got super mad said I can't call I'm to distracting...apparently they don't work when I'm on the phone" he laughs "they do when I'm there which makes no sense because I have been in the middle of the room spinning on a chair" "you are quiet distracting" "only the best detraction" he give me a look making me laugh "that why you can't come to the hospital" I gasp "Con said I can" he shakes his head smiling "of course he does" "you have almost everyone in the first responders wrapped around you little finger" I laugh nodding "most anyway" I say thinking about how much hailey clearly hates me. "Did I ruin my dads happiness" "why would you say that you know your the best thing that happened to him I tell you that all the time I know mouse told you hell Hank probably told you" I sigh "Hailey wants to arrest me she tried if my dad didn't walk in...he isn't talking to her and I know he loves her I ruined it he was so happy" "hey that's not on you that's on her it's there problem not your" "but I am the problem" "if Hailey didn't know you came first then she's been living in some fantasy world. You will always come first no matter what...if she can't get that then there was never really a relationship" I sigh "your dads happiness isn't your responsibility even if you are the cause. That's his problem. You make him happy and your absolutely perfect to him to me" I nod hanging off his ever word. "You have a smile that lights up his whole world a laugh that makes him laugh, a laugh the same as his. Your exactly like your dad when he was you age just with the soccer and have this aura that makes everyone happy no matter how bad there day is. The wicked sense of humour that can get anyone laughing" I smile. He did make me feel good, better about the situation. I hated myself for thinking I had ruined my dads relationship. But I can't change how she feels about it, she wants me jail I can't change that. I do hope she changes her mind when she realises how hurt my dad will be.

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