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I open the door looking left and right before we take off towards stairs

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I open the door looking left and right before we take off towards stairs. I stop suddenly causing Jess to run into me. I stumble forward luckily Jess grabs my arm so I don't completely fall into the fire. My eyes dart around there was fire everywhere. "Back back" she said pulling me. I could feel the Smokey air fill my lungs. My lungs were weaker because of the trauma, they generally don't impact me. I could play soccer and run around no dramas I didn't even notice it. Until now the smoke started filling them. Jess was dragging me, breathing perfectly while I was practically gasping for air. She pulls me into a room closing the door she let go racing over wetting a towel, before placing it over my face. "Just breath hopefully it would help" I hold it to my face trying to watch her but my vision is going blurry before correcting themselves. She was racing around like a mouse on a wheel. She re wets the towel before tying it around my head making sure it was covering my mouth and nose. She holds my arm we both rush out racing the opposite was hoping the stairs on the other end of the building weren't surrounded by fire.

"Jess Jess stop I can't" I beg the hair was getting thicker I knew what that meant. My arm sore from where the fire licked me. My mind becoming fuzzy, my legs felt like jelly. She sigh looking around trying to open doors. She pulled me back to the apartment and sat me down by the window which she opened. I took the towel off gasping for the clean air. "Hey hey you need to stay awake" she said softly slapping me. "I thought I would die many times but this this feels different more real" I gasp out tiredly. She put a wet towel under the door but she kept racing over putting her ear to it listening. "Vents" I gasp "it's how it got in before" she just nods moving effortlessly around the apartment. I really didn't think I was going to make it. My grandfather his up higher. Tears build up in my eyes. My dad this is going to destroy him.

"Fire department call out" "help" Jess yell I couldn't see anything my eyes are to blurry. "She needs help we tried to get out but she" I felt so dizzy "Bailey oh my god" I felt myself being moved "she has weaker lungs or something Belle told me" "ok can you follow them out I will get her out" I heard movement "Bailey it's Kelly can you here me" I groan "yeah yeah" I felt something on my face "that's good" the thing on my face disappears. I felt myself being lifted. "Your dads really worried about you his downstairs" he said "my dad" I mumble out feeling like I was flying.

"Halstead" I hear him shout as I'm placed on something comfy. I felt my bag being taken I complete forgot I had it. "No no" I quietly mumble "Bailey hey it's ok I got it just lay down let Sylvie work her magic" he said "BAILEY" I felt someone touch my head stroking it before kissing it. I felt something on my face before air started filling my lungs. I grab the persons hand "grandpa Ronnie" I mumble out as my vision clears "go find your dad we got her and Will will be waiting she won't be alone" I groan "Jay I'll make sure she's not alone before coming back" "I love you I'll will be back" i smile at him "love you daddy" he looks conflicted "find grandpa" he nods kissing my head giving my hand a squeezes "with Ronnie" he nods I watch him hesitantly rush away before I'm placed in an ambulance. "Call Belle" Emily nods "let me just patch this and get us comfortable" I watch her wrap my burn up that was far worse than I knew.

I'm in the hospital feeling dizzy but better than I was. "Hey beautiful" Ares said stroking my head "oh Belle and James are just getting food or something told me to come find you" I nod "that must be bad if they wrapped it" I stiffly nod sighing "Belle said your dad was finding your grandpa" I sigh. Belle rushes in the James behind. "Your ok" she strokes my head sitting beside me just talking around me. I didn't feel like talking but that didn't stop them. It made me feel happy comfortable. They made sure I wasn't focused on my dad or grandfather. "Hey Bails" hank said coming in, I lazily smile at him "you had us all worried for a minute there" I nod "your dad called wanted me to come down and check on you" I smile he moves to be beside me grabbing my arm my hand on that side bandaged covering me wrist. "He rang before I came here. His with your grandfather there on their way" I stiffly nod.

Hank stayed with me. He thought it was better than just some teenagers. James and Ares left, Belle refused to leave. Belle holds my hand only good hand. "Hey kid how you doing" dad said racing in "grandpa" "doctors are with him now I had to come see you" he comes over shaking hanks hand as he passes before he walks over kissing my head "Connor said I'll live" he chuckles "you got to stop this making me panic" "I thought that's what parenting was" I hear hank laugh my dad just scowls "Jess" "is fine I sent Ares to check on her before" Belle said "we found him because of you if you didn't tell me he was with me Strauss we still might be looking for them" I smile my dad looks me over seeing my left hand and wrist bandage, my right arm from my shoulder to my elbow, my collar bone on left side all bandaged. A compression clip on my forehead I had hit it at some point I don't remember. He only couldn't see the bandage on the left side of my stomach. Just looking you would think someone held me over the fire. Kelly said when he stopped past, it's because instinct is to flinch that part away sometimes turning other parts into the body.  My arm and hand were the worst the others will heal up pretty quick. They are just monitoring my lungs at the moment, making sure there so smoke or anything in there. I lean my head towards my head just content in the moment.

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