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My phone had been non stop going off

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My phone had been non stop going off. I sit on a couch in some random south side home. I rub my face feeling to many emotions mainly overwhelmed. "Would you relax" Belle said coming into the room like this happens every Tuesday "your making me tense the family won't let anything happen to us" I turn to her "what happens when I want to go back to my family what about school or soccer what about all that because I'm sure none of that will stop a vice lord getting justice for their fallen friend" she places her hands on my shoulder "you have a whole cop family that will rally behind you they won't get you" I sign "but I can't go back" I look at her confused "come on Frankie everyone knows that family of your would do anything so save you" she rolls her eyes "I have no one to save me I'm on my own if it doesn't get pinned on me then the vice lords will get me...killing a cop is suicide kill a cops child is worse" I grab her "I won't go back without you" "Frankie you aren't built for this life...I was born into it two gangs who will fight for me" "I will fight for you belle" she weakly smiles as her step father Paul comes in grabbing handing both of us some food "your going back the best way to seem like you are innocent is business as usual" he told us mainly aiming it at her "before you say anything your dad got Valentino and Miguel going to the same school as you know Sarah and Loren are on your soccer team to Mitch and Luke will be around then nothing will happen" "vice lords aren't opposed to opening fire on a bunch of kids" she snaped "that's where your wrong because they have a bunch of kids at home and know if they open that can of worms no one is safe" her mother Addison said walking. "Besides if your around this one here her family won't let anything happen" she hands trying to comfort her daughter. Let's just say I had spent years gaining the trust of both, they knew I didn't snitch. "Call someone in your family have them pick you up from the club" I nod as Paul hands me my phone. Now it's just a question of who to call. I pause "I don't know what to tell them" "you slept over at mine" Belle shrugs "and if they are investigating and know we were there what do I say then oh we killed a guy" "maybe not that way just wait till they ask relax everything will even out" I sigh scrolling through my contacts wondering who I should call, my dad his probably worried, Hank he is always available and willing to help, Adam my partner in crime, Trudy who will be worried but save the lecture for the others, or I could call Will or Connor who probably have no clue what's going on. "Hey it's going to be ok" "Will it" I ask Belle her mother and step father having left us alone. "Trust yourself" "if I trust myself I will end up telling my dad everything" "I know you two are close I always envied that...If you want to go for it I know he won't turn you in neither Will Hank they will burry it" I nod slowly my mind reeling with different scenarios of what could happen. On top of that I keep reliving that moment seeing the light fade from his eyes, seeing his body just go limp. I keep asking myself why we got in the car with them, why I didn't try anything granted they had many guns so that's probably why. Paul walks into the room juggling his keys. "Grab your things I will drive you to the club you can hang out there until someone picks you up" I hadn't even called anyone. I hadn't decided. Despite that I grab my things and follow him with Belle beside me. I don't feel like the lecture this second but I know if I don't call dad he will lecture me about calling Hank, or Adam. I also know they will all blame Belle. They won't care what happened if I was an innocent victim or the guilty party in their eyes I will always be the victim maybe not innocent but the victim, anyone else will be the guilty party. Sighing I sent Hank the address for the club, if he sends dad I will deal with it. His just kinda be one the person I call when I need someone to pick me up, call it habit if you will. I kinda need my old habits as a security blanket.

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