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"Chuckles jr" I glance at Trudy smiling as I follow Hank up the steps "good luck" he whispers walking into his office "Frankie" Adam said noticing me first

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"Chuckles jr" I glance at Trudy smiling as I follow Hank up the steps "good luck" he whispers walking into his office "Frankie" Adam said noticing me first. He was one of the few people to call me that. I fist pump Kevin and high five Adam like normal when I walk through. I stop in front of my dads desk nervously tapping my fingers on it, he just stares at me. He sighs getting up and grabbing my arm leading me down the hall into the locker room, closing the door behind us. I stand there just staring at him "where were you cause you weren't at school" I could tell he was mad i maintain eye contact with him not moving "so how did you end up with Voight" he asks his arms were cross across his chest he was furious. "I was arrested" he scoffs "really so we're back to that should have figured considering you only call Voight to pick you up if somethings wrong or your been arrested" I sigh dipping my bag down knowing I was going to be here for a while "why" "skipping school there were drugs and alcohol from last night" no point lying when he could look it up when we go upstairs. "Anything else you want to add like we're you with Stella last night" I nod "yeah and a couple of other people" "so it was a party" I shrug "I like to refer to it as a small gathering" I smartly add probably a bad move considering how mad he was but oh well "your grounded I will drop you off and pick you up from school if not me someone from the unit" he said firmly walking towards me "you won't be seeing your friends" "you can't really stop me considering your never home anymore and I'm not going to turn my back on them" "school here and home that's all nowhere else" he picks up my bag "no electronics either I will allow you to have your phone while you aren't with me but that's it" he takes my phone from my hand putting my bag in his locker "no laptop no nothing you can read or something" he shrugs throwing his hands up dramatically "anything else you want to add" it felt like he was mocking me. I desperately wanted to bring up how he wasn't home anymore, how I barely saw him. But I had no desire to be here any longer. "No good" he snapped opening the door "you can sit in the break room until I'm done" he told me walking up the steps. Good maybe will be my dad for a while because right now I have no one. Ever since I was able to be alone it's like he stepped out of my life.

I followed my dad upstairs but instead of going into the break room I walk into Hanks office laying on the couch. "You right" "the one in the break room isn't comfortable" he smirks at me "your dads mad" he nods to my dad which when I look up I can see he does look quiet mad. "Good maybe he will be my dad again" Hank looks at me confused "I want my dad back Hank it's all I want" "maybe tell him that" "his never there to tell and when he is around me his mad so it doesn't matter" I shrug "you know where his going" "nope" he hums as he watches Hailey and my dad follow a lead "go with Adam get some lunch" "I can't leave fathers orders" "I will tell him I sent you plus it's incredibly hard to work with you pouting" "I can go into the break room" "I would still know your pouting" I sigh getting up "no need to be dramatic Hank" he scoffs watching me walk over to Adams desk. The blonde male immediately looks up "may I help you Frankie" "yes you may we have been order to leave for lunch" he looks confused I point towards Hank "he said I needed to leave cause he can't work with me pouting and said to take you" he smiles grabbing his keys "where shall we go" I shrug watching him go over to Hanks office the two talking for a moment before he walks towards me looping my arm with his, before he led me to the car.

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