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I walk up the steps to intelligence, Trudy sending me a very confused look as I pass

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I walk up the steps to intelligence, Trudy sending me a very confused look as I pass. I left the hospital yes. Does Hailey know no. I hadn't spoken to her since before it happened. I couldn't. I was pretending to like her for my dad, playing nice as he called it. Even if I was starting to like her I couldn't sit beside her as she comes to realise how much she likes or doesn't like my dad when my word is falling apart. My dad had survived the surgery but was unconscious in the icu we couldn't see him yet, I couldn't sit in the hospital waiting room anymore. "Bailey what are you doing here" Hank asks carefully I think everyone knew how unpredictable I can be without my dad around. "I couldn't wait anymore I was going insane" I shrug looking around I don't smile my face void of emotion Adam would say. "We're bout to head out if you want to stay here with Rojas you can" I nod "Jays ok right" Kevin ask carefully I could feel everyone around me but Rojas who I'm still getting to know tense. "Survived surgery his in the icu" I shrug with no emotion attached. I get emotional I feel it all, if I feel it all I break. They all tap my shoulder as they leave, Adam squeezing my forearm before he hesitantly follows after them. I sit at my dads desk "you ok" Rojas asks I look at her confused "yeah not like my dad who's my entire world is fighting for his life" I shrug spinning in his chair. It wasn't the same there was no joy. I look at the board taking in the crime scene and all the evidence they found. I unlock my dads computer easily typing away on my hacker bar for a few minutes before I have an address. I knew I shouldn't but I couldn't help it I was bored and my fathers daughter. "I'm going to go back to the hospital" "want me to take you" she asks "no you stay and work" I wave off rushing away. I was going back and forth over whether I was doing this or not.

Third person POV

The team return everyone confused by Baileys absence. "Hey wheres Bailey" Kevin asks Rojas "said she was going back to the hospital" everyone nods going about their work. Fifteen minutes later Adam gets up walking to the break room, he pauses when he sees Jays computer on. "Hey was she on this computer" he asks going around desk "yeah she typed for a bit before leaving" Rojas answers making everyone look up Adam jumping up makes them tense. "She didn't go to the hospital" "do you know where she is" Hank having come out "so she's lying what's the big deal she's a teenager" Rojas said very confused "I message Hailey she hasn't seen Bai since this morning" Kim said "when she left to come here" Kevin finished "a teenager who's knows how to use a gun hack into anything and dads is in the icu she isn't normal" Adam said grabbing his things "where is she" Kevin flips the computer gasping "our prime suspect" everyone jumps up grabbing their things ready to go find their girl.

Baileys POV

"How did you find me" I look around shrugging "my uncles a hacker it aren't that love her" he doesn't say anything just watching the girl who's not to far from us. "Jordan either flip on her or run take it from someone whose been right where you are and on the other aren't worth blowing up your life" "I love her" "I know and I know what's that's like and I'm only here cause Kevin is like my brother. I remembered when Kev introduced us" he nods smiling "I was up visiting you took me out told me I didn't have to be boring like kev" I laugh "that was more to annoy Kev" he nods "so she did it" he nods "you still got the gun" he doesn't say anything "give it to me" he looks confused "I'm a detectives daughter one who's currently on life support if it doesn't get buried can just say I'm a little mental" he slowly hands it over both of us making sure no one sees. I nod holding it securely in my pocket getting up and walking away. "Be careful" I say before I leave.

I stare at my phone sighing. I had numerous messages from the unit trying to figure out where I was. I walk into the hospital sighing rubbing my face. Will had messaged saying dad could have visitors. I rush into the room, moving the chair to sit beside him. I sit opposite Hailey grabbing his hand "Want to tell me what's going on" I look at her faking confused "they been messaging me trying to find you" I sigh "just leave it alone" I say turning my attention to my dad "if your in trouble" "you can't help just leave it alone" she nods sighing clearly upset I wasn't opening up like she wanted me to. We maybe getting along recently but I'm not going to just tell her all my secrets just like that. The gun in my pocket weighed a tonne. It was like a burning dead weight in my pocket.

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