Grand Final

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It was the big day

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It was the big day. "You excited for today" my dad asked when I came in into the living room. I was ready my hair in a ponytail, I was wearing my soccer shorts and jersey. I had my duffle bag over my shoulder, in it is my cleats and my clothes for after. I place it beside the door so it's ready to go. "Yeah ready to win" my dad laughs hugging me I look around "what no hailey" "no just me and you" I smile  he walks over hugging me "your going to do amazing" he laughs "I made you some breakfast come on" he pulls me over to the counter I sit down eating my dad sitting beside me.

"Good luck" my dad said kiss my head. I smile rushing off to the team. I put my bag in my locker before I start stretching with them. I was in my happy place.

My hair swaying every direction as I run kicking the ball in front of me, seeing I can't make the goal I pass it to Belle who's on my right. I slow down allowing Stella and Hanna to back her up. I glance to the side seeing a man in the bushes taking photos. I try to ignore him as I high five my team especially Stella who just scored. I make eye contact with Adam moving my eyes to the fence hoping he will get the message, I kick the ball up the field smiling. Passing the ball to Talia before rushing off to the fence "over my left shoulder bushes" he nods and I rush back to the field. I run over stopping the ball going any further kicking it to Hanna before running up the field having her pass it back just in time for me to score.

The oval was field with cheering. We had just won. The whole team had their metals around their neck we had just held the trophy and gotten a photo. "Frank" Adam yelled running over picking me up "I have never been so invested in you winning in my life" I laugh he twirls me around before putting me back on the ground where I was hugged by everyone else. I rush to the locker room changing into tights a sports bra and the club jacket. I run back to them smiling I throw my bag to Adam who groans before jumping on my dads back. "Why do I have to carry your bag" Adam moans causing us to laugh. Dad holds my legs as he walks. It was like our tradition dad always gives me a piggy back ride after all the big games. "So what are going to do now" Kim asks it was her first time at a game same as Hailey. Dad look back at me before we both look at Hank and Adam "we usually take our favourite Halstead out for food to celebrate" Adam said causing dad to gasp "relax dad we all know I'm everyone's favourite Trudy even sent me a massage telling me how sad she was that she couldn't come" "I swear she's only nice to you" Hailey said causing me to laugh "and Hank over here" I point out causing him to smirk patting my back. "So what are we going to eat" Hailey asks looking at us dad looks at me "what do you feel like bug" I smile at the nickname "umm I could go for a burger" he laughs shifting me slightly. Adam hands my bag to Kevin and has Kim jump on his back. He winks at us causing me to laugh. "Ready" Kevin said catching on rather quickly "set" dad and Adam prepare "go" they both dash off running racing. I laugh in delight. "How did you beat us" Adam said as Kim jumps off his back. "Practice" I say jumping off Adam scoff clearly a sore loser "you really thought you could beat them there like the dream team" Kevin said as the others catch up I take my bag throwing it in dads truck. "So we'll meet up at seven" Kim asks as I walk over hugging Hank. He had his arms around me "are you coming" I ask him as my dad answers Kim. Hank doesn't always come "wouldn't miss it" he kisses him head before walking off to his car which is my indication to get into dads truck.

We all sat around the living room. We usually eat out but decided to just and eat around the living room. We all had burgers of some kind. "How long have you been playing soccer Bai" Kim asks "competitively since I was six but before that I use to kick a soccer ball around with mouse or dad" I answer before taking a bite of my burger. "I remember Will calling me because I wasn't there and you refused to play" "I was seven and you never missed a game" i scowl back "has he missed a game" Hailey asked I shake my head "his been late but never missed one" I smile at my dad "he made a promise he has yet to break" my dad smiles at me if we weren't eating he probably would have kissed my head. "I don't understand how he sits through a game it's so boring" Adam adds "that's why I never ask you to come" I snap back making the others laugh "Adam here much rather the cheer comps" every laughs "I find it interesting how you are thrown around and flipping it's like gravity doesn't exist" He defends himself poorly "his more the one that takes me to cheer comps" "who do you do cheer with" Hailey asks. It's like ever since I started playing nice she's playing twenty questions only I don't ask the questions ever. "Um Talia, Alyssa, Stella...Nathan, Jacob, Alex, Luca, David all play football" "what about Belle" Adam asks I laugh everyone had met her by now but Adam, my dad and Hank were the ones really knew her. "Hell will freeze over long before she puts on a cheer outfit she would sooner punch someone in the face" everyone laughs thinking I'm joking. Belle would watch it but she would never participate. "Is she ok noticed she's been around here more" Hailey asks my dad looks at me. Truth was my dad was like her father. He was her unofficial parent, the parent she wanted. She always stayed over, had a key it was her home. She usually stays in my room with me, where we would talk and comfort each other. "She comes and goes like the daughter I never wanted" Dad answers shrugging making me slap him. Her coming and going meant she knew Hank and mouse. I had known her since I was six. "She's my sister my lifeline she always welcome" I smile shrugging "she is terrifying" Adam remarks before having a sip of his drink. "More like terrific" I snap everyone is just watching "we came here to get her to help with some hacking which I have since learnt you can do and she was flipping a knife the whole time that isn't comforting" I laugh my dad is smirking "dad gave her that knife" I tell him dad looks confused "the silver pocket knife" he nods "it was the big one she was flipping" "the dragon one or the butterfly" I ask we have a lot of knives "how many do you have" "me I have five two from dad two from mouse and one from Hank all different Belle has more she has klepto hands especially for knives she has heaps" I shrug "so you have a dragon, a butterfly" Adam begins I could tell everyone was intrigued "the dragon one is just a hunting knife with a dragon etching on the blade. A pocket knife, I got them from dad." I pull my pocket knife out "I always have it on me" I smile fiddling with it. "A butterfly is silver with a gold handle it had two red gems, A hunting knife with a white unicorn on the blade. I got them from Mouse he always told me that I was his magical unicorn hence the blade" I smile "Hank gave me a gold pocket knife" I add "god now I feel obligated to give you a knife" Adam said "she could probably use it better than you" I laugh at Kim's remark which Adam scowls to. "God the amount of times her and mouse had a knife fight in the living room" Jay said leaning back smiling at the memory "you joined" "real knives" Hailey asks in shock me and dad nod "why do you think she is so good at dodging stuff" my dad throws his arms up "relax we never got hurt" I roll my eyes maybe she was a rule follower if so we will never get on. Sure I can play nice but it won't last.

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