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Dad woke up

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Dad woke up. I don't think I have ever been so happy in my life. I almost punched Hailey when she pulled me off so doctors could do their thing. He hadn't stopped asking everyone to break him out. Will told me if I helped him he would take me to school. Given the fact I haven't been in ages it was a good enough threat. Also I didn't want to leave dad.
Dad had forced me to go to school promising he would be there when I finish. He had been messaging me all day with updates on how going, weird jokes that I question why I laugh at ever time. I was ecstatic he was awake, that he was ok.

I walk into intelligence sigh. It was late afternoon and I hated my life for the simple fact that I hated school. "Frank" Adam said I could tell they were unsure, hesitate even around me. I smile seeing my dad with his arm in a sling working. Of course he would come back to work. I walk over hugging him, I could tell he was startled. "I'm not going anywhere I promise" I nod against him before stepping back as he kisses my head. I smile walking into the break room sitting down to catch up the school I have missed. "Where is it" Kevin asked coming in closing the door, I fake confused "quit the game Jordan told me he gave it to you" I remain silent just doing my school work "Bai tell me so I can fix it" I don't say anything causing him to sigh and leave.

"You alright Frank" "why wouldn't I be" "your been quiet and your dad told us how you almost punched Hailey" I let out a quiet chuckle "I didn't know if my dad was going to be ok until forty eight hours ago and she tried to pull me away from him granted it was so doctors could get to him but I found that out after" he lets out a loud obnoxious laugh "so you two going to be ok" I was confused "me and hailey" he nods "yeah you guys have been at odds for ages" "I will play nice for my dad and who knows maybe I will grow to like her I somewhat did before but I couldn't pretend. I couldn't sit with her while she grows through the motions of how she felt about my dad" he nods "hey I don't care" I smile "don't be hard on Rojas" he looks confused "she doesn't know me so she had no reason to question it when I said I was going to the hospital" he glances out of the room "I know she feels bad" "maybe I'll tell her all the times I apparently led you astray" he laughs "it's not hard for you to lead people astray Frank you have a gift" I smile gleefully.

I was off in my own world listening to music. I don't notice Dad come in until he sits beside me pulling my headphones out. I look over at him confused. "They told me you have the gun" I don't say anything "they can't close the case without the gun Ley" I keep my mouth shut just looking at my work. He pushes it aside so I would give him my full undivided attention. "Where is it Ley" "I don't have it anymore"i snap looking away he puts his hand under my chin forcing me to look at him "I'm not mad your trying to protect a friend...Kev won't let his brother go down for this you don't have worry so be honestly do you still have it" "no" i say before listening staring into his eyes "Voight told me he even asked you and you didn't give it up" I smile "what can I say I'm stubborn" he laughs "your also my daughter the most important person in my life. I don't want you getting caught up in this" I sigh "my job is to protect you our awesome fun times are just a bonus let me protect you" tears build up in my eyes."I'm sorry I took it I really am but I tossed it I did rub clean I promise" "you acted I can't be mad at you for something that I would do" I nod slowly "hey I'm proud of you no matter what" "mum showed up here tried to take the case" he looks confused "when you were undercover I made everyone not tell you I'm sorry" tears build up in my eyes "Hey hey you don't have to apologise kind mad they didn't tell me after the case but I know hey you reacted the way you did...I would do the same thing" I nod leaning into him as he wraps him arms around me "she won't get close to you I promise" I nod against him "tell them I'm sorry not for taking it but for not giving it to them" he smiles "I think they already know" "why didn't Addy try I'm closest with him beside you and Hank...his my partner in crime we share everything" I was beyond confused "think when you didn't give in to Voight it warded them off" I smile nodding "I haven't exactly been nice to Hailey I'm sorry" he laughs "I don't care you were reacting to what was happening I don't care just try to be nice now" I nod "I love you more than life itself" he hugs me tight kissing my head "I love you to dad more than anything" he smiles giving me a squeeze. "come join us I know they miss you Adam keeps bitching that his Frank has been neglecting him" I laugh "I just got to finish this you know missing school cause your dad could die apparently isn't a good excuse" he laughs knowing I was joking "if it's to much tell me and I will call them" I nod looking at my schoolwork considering the offer "I think I will try get it done first but I might take you up on that if it gets to much" he nods smiling walking out leaving me to try to complete my schoolwork. I stare at my bag wondering if I did the right thing.

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