Does he know me

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I hold Jacobs firm hand

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I hold Jacobs firm hand. We were in our own world. Walking through the school. We were alone at the back of the school. We both had a free period and had spent a while walking around. We were now sitting between his legs leaning against him.

I had done a lot of thinking. I like Jacob I do. But Belle made a good point. He knew nothing about me. "Do you know me" "what" "I just I don't know if you know anything about me I was thinking out loud I'm sorry" I instantly said "I know your favourite colour is green" he leans down kissing me. My favourite colour is purple and blue, I don't like green all that much, my absolute favourite is a blue green though so maybe he got it right. "You love soccer with ever fibre in your body" he kisses me again. Anyone could guess that. "Your a very hot cheerleader" he kisses me again. Am I still a cheerleader I barely do it. "You hate the cold" no I don't I prefer it. I fell the cold very easily and have to wear like a million layers. But I prefer it, I like feeling cozy, warming up. I hate the heat summer. "You love hanging out of a night" I hate it I prefer to hang out with people when I can see them. The last time I went out of a night I shot a guy. I hate to think about what is hiding in the dark, how many ghost are following me. "You love drinking with us" Maybe once but I know how disappointed my dad, Addy and Hank get when I do. "You hate going to the district with your dad all the cops you can't be you" I frown that was my favourite place on the planet. I loved everyone there. They were my family. Maybe Belle was right he doesn't know me. I'm only here cause Belle spoke to my dad about the whole gang war and people wanting me dead situation would he do that for me. Truth was he seemed like the type to throw me away when it all got to hard. I felt a chill go up my spine. "You still there" "what yeah just thinking" "about what" "Belle and how she spoke to my dad maybe she acted to soon I don't know" "what do you mean" "I mean maybe you don't know anything about me" he looks mad. Oh well I have never been known to keep my opinions to myself. I always stand up and say what I mean even if I have to fight. "Of course I do I just listed a bunch of stuff off" which he couldn't be more wrong about "I could give you more" god no I don't want to see what he really thinks of me. "No it's fine" I weakly smile resting my head on his shoulder.

I'm not a girly girl and I think his making me into one or trying to. I think he wants me to like pink, to give up soccer. He always seems to plan things on the same day as soccer and try to guilt me into skipping it. He wants me to be a cheerleader, still don't know if I'm classed as one or if I even like it if we are honest. I hate summer the heat makes me sick and uncomfortable it sucks. I love the winter even if I freeze and end up looking like a marshmallow with the amount of layers I wear to keep warm. Snow always makes me smile don't have a reason it just does. I love purple and blue but my absolute favourite is a bluey green colour. I do wear all colours though I'm a bit of a dull rainbow on the best of days. I have to be in the mood for bright colours. I work hard to get As and Bs in school I barely skip and have a somewhat perfect record. My favourite place on the planet is the district I love being around every single cop there even if they are just some random patrol officer I barely know. I love helping intelligence with a case it makes me feel important and apart of something. I have dreamed since I was three about becoming a cop like my dad and that isn't going away any time soon. I know about probably every gun in Chicago what they sound like look like you name it. I also know how to fire different guns my dad has taken me to the gun range more than once. I know how to drive I really do don't do it often though. Grandpa Hank taught me how to loose someone who's tailing me. I like showing up at the hospital like a genie to see Connor and uncle Will. I like seeing everyone but mainly them. I like going to the firehouse even if I don't go that often or aren't that close to them.

How could he not know this about me. It's literally who I am. How could he think I hated the district when I have worn a CPD jumper to school. I also have the five pointed star as a key chain on my keys. How could he think that. Belle was right he doesn't know me. She does she knows every detail in my crazy confusing life she doesn't judge just has my back. Much like now she hates him but has my back.

I feel him rub my arm bringing me back to reality "I love you" he leans down kissing me. I could tell he was waiting for me to say it. I can't I just can't. That would be lying I think. I don't know if I love him or not it's all going to fast. "We should get back so we don't miss next period" I stand up grabbing my bag ignoring him as he tightens his grip on my wrist.

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