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I knock on the door shifting my feet

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I knock on the door shifting my feet. The door opens "Bailey" he asks in shock I step through the threshold hugging him. "What's wrong what are you doing here" he asks as I step back allowing him to close the door "I'm done being second place to my dads" he looks confused "oh yeah you don't know I haven't seen my dad....haven't been home in ages not to stay just to get clothes or books finally told them well I told Hank" I sigh making myself comfortable on his couch"you place is the only one I know for certain they won't come looking" I pull my phone out showing him that it's off. "I have no one left con my dad hasn't been around in ages tried talking doesn't work no one noticed that I haven't been home in months I have been living out of a duffle bag" he sighs wrapping his arms around me "let me call Will" I snatch his phone out of his hand "no you call Will he calls dad and I don't want to yet" I sigh "I'm not ready to see any of them...they all know and didn't stop" tears drip down my face "hey calm down you can stay here" I nod allowing him to lead me around.

I had been staying with Connor for a week now. He drove me to school and I went back to his after. We had a system. I hadn't turned my phone on I wasn't ready. Kinda surprised no one turned up at my school yet they know I have been going. That was the one condition, Connor knows I don't like school but said I had to go if I stayed. I have I feeling he told Will though. Connor wouldn't be able to keep it to himself. It was about eight when there was a knock at the door. I was sitting beside Connor, we both look at each other before he gets up answering it. "Where Bailey" I stand up "I'm here" I come into view Connor steps aside "hi uncle Will" "your dads spinning out" I nod "surprised you didn't tell him" "I didn't know he called me tonight and I guess I just figured this is the only place you would go for quiet" I smile glancing at Connor "I didn't say" he held his hands up I hug him "thank you" he pats my back I sigh grabbing my bag I knew Will wouldn't go without me and it's been a week "doors always open Bailey" I nod hugging him tightly he was like my big brother I could go to him for everything. "They still at the station" Will wraps his arm around me "yeah they are working a pretty big case truth be told I think it's so difficult because you aren't there they're all to worried about you" I smile allowing him to lead me to his car.

"Hi Trudy" she gasp buzzing me up Will arm still around me. Everyone's attention was on us. "I found someone you all been missing" Will said I smile goofily "hey" I wave my dad jumps up racing over to me pulling me into his arms "where have you been your phone" "staying with a friend I knew you would track its off" I glance at Will silently asking him not to say. If he says I don't have a safe place to run to in Chicago anymore. Will nods smiling. I go around allowing everyone to hug me. "Why didn't you come to me" Hank asks "you would have told dad the moment he started to loose himself" he sighs leading me into his office after demanding everyone to work. "Will said everyone was having trouble focusing" he hums sitting down as I sit on the couch putting my bag in front of me. "He know where you were" I shake my head confusing him "he figured it out the person I was staying with said they never said anything" he nods "if you all missed me why didn't you just come to the school" "wanted you to come to us" I hum "I wouldn't have been mad if someone came to the school" he nods "I will remember that" I nod. I walk out of the room "my favourite Halstead" Adam exclaims wrapping his arms around me making me giggle "it has been so boring without my partner in crime" he practically drags me to his desk. As I walk past my dads our eyes meet and I can see the guilt. I don't know whether to feel bad or not but I do feel sad. I just want to be wrapped up in his arms like before.

I sit beside Adam glancing at my dad every so often. We haven't spoken and we need to. I rest my head on his shoulder just watching pod footage. I didn't know what we were looking for but Adam somehow recruited me. "Sleep" he whispers and that's enough for me to feel everything disappeared.

"Ahh guys I think I got it" I hear Adam say "yeah I can't move but" I heard papers being moved "how long she been asleep" I hear my dad asks as someone strokes my hair "couple hours did Will say where he found her" "no just that it's someone we all trust" I keep my eyes closed just listening "whatever's going on with you figure it out because it's hurting her and no one wants to loose our Frankie girl" Adam tells him I feel arms tighten around me.

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