Old Ways

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I drink the beer before dancing with Belle

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I drink the beer before dancing with Belle. All my so called friends around. I still don't know if I class these people my friends. I hear sirens making me freeze. "Go" Belle said "you will go to Juvi" "I won't I will be fine just go" I grab my bag drinking the beer as I leave the mansion walking down the street. I was down the block, far enough for them to not see me but I could see the flashing lights like I was there. I sigh taking another sip of the beer I didn't know where I was, I just knew I was in a rich neighbourhood. I reach into my bag fiddling with all the random things. I pull my phone out going to turn it so I can use it only to drop it. I stumble falling to the ground. I sigh just sitting on the ground picking up my phone. I sip the beer finishing it off putting it down. "I press call on the person on top of my list" "hello" the person sounded groggy. "Hello" "Frank" "oh Addy" I giggle out I finally knew who I was talking to. I try to stand up only to fall back to the floor. "Are you ok" "yeah yeah I fell" I giggle laying down "wow the world is spinning" "where are you" he sighs I sat up looking around much to fast. "Oh wow" I rub my head "Frank where are you" I hear keys jingling "I'm on a street" "which street might that be" "and very wide street wow why is the street so big" I hear him chuckle "keep talking to me princess" "my dad calls me that" I smile gleefully "you see any signs" I look around only to groan from moving to fast falling backwards "why aren't there any stars Addy I like stars" "oh yeah what's your favourite" "the bright ones" I stare up at the sky "there are no stars where did they go" I start to cry "I love stars" "I think it's the city lights" I groan sniffing "why do they have to steal the stars they are so pretty the lights are to mean Addy we should take them all away no more city light" "I'm sure that will go over well" "the grass is wet" "what" "ohh it's raining I love when it's bright and it rains sad rain makes me sad" I hear him chuckle "I always want to cry when it sad rains" I hear a car "oh my god there's a car I'm going to be kidnapped no abducted I don't have anything oh my god I'm going to never see anyone again. I'm going to die" I get up but it was more like I was running in a treadmill my legs just kept going. "Frank Frank it's me" I felt arms on me causing me to scream. "Addy oh my god Addy" I reach up touching his face "your real" "yeah I am" "ohh your face hair tickles" he laughs picking me up grabbing my phone as well and placing me in his car. He closes the door and walks away "oh I thought you left me" "I wouldn't leave you Frank" "How did you find me" I gasp looking at him "was it the mean city lights first they steal the stars what next you should lock them up they are the real criminals" "yep they are" "I need more nice people in my life everyone is mean" I groan resting my head against the window. "Go to sleep kid your going to need it" I felt my hair move "your dad is going to be so mad at you" he sighs "I did consider covering for you but you are terrible at keeping things from him anyone else no problems" I groan "go to sleep I can drive around a bit if you like" "truth is I think your already asleep I'm just here talking to myself" that's the last thing I heard before it went black.

"Rise and shine" bright everything was so bright. "Don't worry I'm not mean your not going to school even if I should send you" my dad said "your coming to the district seeing as I can't trust you alone so get up we leave in 20" he suddenly pulls my comforter away from me making me groan "if your not up and  ready I'm going to carry you to the car" I could hear how mad he was. I'm just thankful my dad is polite enough to wait even just a little bit, even if I don't deserve it. I know I disappointed him. I sit on my bed my head hurting more than anything. I swung my legs over the edge, the world started spinning. "Here" I turn my head to my dad only to groan and instantly feel like I was going to throw up. I jump up stumbling across the hall into the bathroom barely making it before I throw up in the toilet. I hear my dad sigh. I rest my body against the wall beside the toilet. "I'm never drinking again" "I will love that but you will" he sighs "Have a shower kiddo it will make you feel better" I don't have the energy to move, he helps me up before leaving.

I put my hair in a messy bun after hoping out of the shower. He was right it did make me somewhat feel better. I sigh leaning against the sink. My head throbbing all I wanted to do was to sleep and never wake up. My whole body exhausted. I brush my teeth before walking out of the room. "I'm pretty sure you have your own clothes" Dad said sipping a coffee. I had one of my dads hoodies on along with tights. He hands me a water with pills. "Drink up they will make for feel better" "sleep will also make me feel better" I take the pills drinking all the water handing it back to him "well tough" I groan. Dad just laugh obnoxiously making me groan in pain. He wraps his arm around me leading me out of the apartment. I'm just thankful I have my phone in my pocket because I knew he wouldn't let me go back.

Follow dad into the district up the steps into intelligence. My body hated me. My head pounding. "What's going on" Hank asks seeing me and dad. I immediately walk over to him hugging him. He wraps his arms around me. "City lights still mean Frank" oh how I wanted to strangle him. I snuggle into Hank making him tighten his grip on me. "She got drunk called Adam to pick her up her dropped her off about 4am passed out" Dad summarised for them putting his coat over his chair. Dad moves a a chair tapping it. "No i want to sleep" "it's this or I drive you to school" "I would be able to sleep there" "listen to your dad Bails" Hank whispers to me. Dad sighs frustrated he grabs me dragging me to his desk and sits me down on the chair. "There now everyone is happy" my dad smirks "read this" "dad" I groan out refusing to take whatever file his trying to give me. "You wanted to go out and get drunk" he said clearly resisting the urge to strangle me. "Hey on the positive side at least we know she is very dramatic when she drunk" Adam said making everyone turn to look at him "you cried because the stars were gone and then proceeded to tell me I had to lock all the city lights up because they were hiding the stars" he added "she was crying over the stars not being there" Kim added making me very confused. My head hurt to much to figure it out though. "Start reading" dad demanded making me groan "I can't focus the words are falling off the page" "tough you decided to get drunk so you can organise all of this" I look at him in horror "Grandpa Hank" "it's up to your dad" Hank said smirking as he shrugs "daddy" "your going to organise all these files and then you can clean the break room only after that will I consider letting this go and letting you sleep" I slowly nod seeing how mad he was. Our apartment was spotless I think it shocked everyone when they came over by how clean it was hence why I have to clean the break room which probably hasn't been cleaned in a million years. I groan leaning back "the quicker you do it the quicker you sleep" Dad said smirking that smirk that I knew that wasn't going to be the end. He was going to punish me more at home.

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